
Human Resources

Legal recruitment in the digital era

Here's how legal recruitment marketplace Route1 is dragging the industry into the digital age.

Human Resources

Human Resources

What employers need to know about the gender pay gap

Kate Palmer, head of advisory at Peninsula, explains how employers can break the cycle of underpaying female staff.

Human Resources

Managing diverse personalities at work

Good managers know how to deal with different personality types at work. Here's a cheat-sheet.

Human Resources

6 steps to instilling a quality-driven business culture

Menzies LLP's Martin Atkins outlines six ways to establish the right kind of workplace culture to get the most out of your employees.

Human Resources

The UK’s embarrassing open secret: the gender pay gap

Despite the Equal Pay Act 45 years ago, women still earn less than men in Britain today. Yet naysayers insist that the pay gap has been sensationalised and blown out of proportion. We wade through the research to separate fact from couched sexism.

Human Resources

Should you trust your gut when recruiting?

How many of your hiring decisions are made based on what you feel versus what you know?

Human Resources

How flexible should your HR policy really be?

CIPD training experts DPG plc asked its community of HR professionals to anonymously share the most obscure requests they’ve ever received. Here are some of the strangest requests HR managers have received, and why some of them may actually be valid.

Human Resources

Do you know your rights within the gig economy?

Despite the flexibility and tax advantages of working within the gig economy, controversy over exploitation continues to plague the sector. Legal experts Chris Weaver and Orla Bingham write.

Human Resources

How flexible should your HR policy really be?

CIPD training experts DPG plc asked its community of HR professionals to anonymously share the most obscure requests they’ve ever received. Here are some of the strangest requests HR managers have received, and why some of them may actually be valid.

Human Resources

Do you know your rights within the gig economy?

Despite the flexibility and tax advantages of working within the gig economy, controversy over exploitation continues to plague the sector. Legal experts Chris Weaver and Orla Bingham write.

Human Resources

Why female engineering students leave the field

Female engineers are leaving an already male-dominated engineering field due to a culture that does not take them seriously.

Human Resources

Why storming out of your job is a bad idea

Going out in a blaze of glory may not be the best idea when quitting your job. Here are a few of the most dramatic job resignations in recent years.

Human Resources

6 steps for boards to get to grips with corporate culture

Company culture is key to business success. Culture should be assessed, measured, engaged with and embedded into the business – even in the boardroom, writes Venetia Howes, past master of the Worshipful Company of Marketors.

Human Resources

Are tattoos really still taboo in the workplace?

Research reveals that tattoos are still seen as undesirable at many workplaces. Is this really still the case?