
Human Resources

More than a third of UK workers denied remote working despite Storm Doris

Bad weather notoriously costs the UK billions in lost productivity every year, yet the fact that many office workers are never allowed to work remotely suggests that businesses may not be as mobile as they need to be.

Human Resources

Human Resources

Underappreciated and overlooked: Why UK businesses risk losing out on ‘elder power’

Over 50s now account for more than 30 per cent of the UK’s working population, but according to new research, older workers are the least content of all employees.

Human Resources

How to decrease accident rates in a busy working environment

As an employer, you have a legal duty to protect your staff and as an employee it’s important that you are taking all the steps necessary to protect yourself. So are you doing everything you can to protect your workforce and yourself?

Human Resources

Why organisation is key for the safety of your employees

Good environmental, health,and safety management all boils down to organisation. Here's why.

Human Resources

Study reveals first year employment costs almost double salary

The true cost of hiring staff is almost double their salary during the first year of employment, according to new research. Here's why.

Human Resources

Free English lessons not enough to compensate underpaid Uber drivers, says union

Drivers' union GMB is not impressed with Uber's new initiatives meant to address the fact that the company's drivers were not paid or treated as employees. Here's why.

Human Resources

Are office romances a productivity killer?

Not all office romances are doomed to die, according to experts, citing how Barack and Michelle Obama famously met while working at the same law firm in the 80s. If office romances are unavoidable, what can managers to do prevent personal relationships from hindering productivity?

Human Resources

UK salaries among the lowest in the world

New research reveals tech salaries in the UK are well behind other cities, making the sector's talent shortage all the more harder to bridge.

Human Resources

Are office romances a productivity killer?

Not all office romances are doomed to die, according to experts, citing how Barack and Michelle Obama famously met while working at the same law firm in the 80s. If office romances are unavoidable, what can managers to do prevent personal relationships from hindering productivity?

Human Resources

UK salaries among the lowest in the world

New research reveals tech salaries in the UK are well behind other cities, making the sector's talent shortage all the more harder to bridge.

Human Resources

Turning the tanker: When strategy meets culture

Cornerstone OnDemand's Christine Chenneour on how to develop company culture to transform your business.

Human Resources

Protest against Deliveroo’s “exploitation” of gig economy workers scheduled

A protest against what the Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Union Council call "the face of contemporary exploitation in London" is scheduled to take place tomorrow at the Deliveroo depot.

Human Resources

Name bias in corporate Britain: “Adam” more likely to get hired over “Mohamed”

People named "Adam" are three times more likely to be hired than those named "Mohamed," confirming just how pervasive name bias is in corporate hiring.

Human Resources

Poor hiring decisions can cost UK businesses £15,000

A bad hire can cost more than peace of mind for businesses. New research quantifies the impact of poor hiring decisions; it can cost up to £15,000.