
Financial Management

The benefits of EMI Option Schemes

A successful business will always be careful to select solutions that are proven to be cost effective, and to make sure that it is tax efficient in its approach as well.

Financial Management

Financial Management

Half of UK mid-sized businesses need external funding due to lack of liquidity

Mid-sized businesses face worrying lack of liquidity, according to a new Europe-wide study.

Financial Management

Are you getting a good audit?

What makes a good audit? Menzies LLP's James Hadfield explains.

Financial Management

Brexit poses biggest risk of business insolvency

ICAEW surveyed those working with the insolvency and business restructuring sectors on what would be the three greatest threats to British businesses over the next two years. Overwhelmingly, the responses ranked the impact of Brexit as number one.

Financial Management

My Credit Controllers: a new app checks if a business is still trading

A new web app, My Credit Controllers, lets users check whether a company is still trading to help chase late payments or services.

Financial Management

Battening down the hatches…avoiding an expense revolt

Rogue expenses can harm SME margins. It’s important to use technology to ensure this doesn’t happen, as we explore in this article.

Financial Management

How to grow with R&D tax credits

R&D Tax Credits can help companies grow and can boost employment in the economy. Here's how.

Financial Management

Access to the right financial tools will open up global trade for SMEs

What does it take to become a global CEO? WorldFirst CEO, Jonathan Quin explain how access to the right financial tools can be the ticket in for SMEs.

Financial Management

How to grow with R&D tax credits

R&D Tax Credits can help companies grow and can boost employment in the economy. Here's how.

Financial Management

Access to the right financial tools will open up global trade for SMEs

What does it take to become a global CEO? WorldFirst CEO, Jonathan Quin explain how access to the right financial tools can be the ticket in for SMEs.

Financial Management

Why accountants need to educate clients or prepare to fail

Prime Entry's Kevin Whitehouse explains why accountants should educate their clients to help them grow.

Financial Management

Kidpreneurs on the rise, but can they budget?

One in three kids want to own a business of their own when they grow up, but can they budget and balance their accounts if the need arises?

Financial Management

Private equity – driving real value in investor relationships

Here, Ryan Hawley, partner and private equity specialist at law firm Mills & Reeve, finds out how to discover the perfect investor.

Financial Management

Why White Stuff’s profit losses should be a cautionary tale for SMEs

British fashion and lifestyle brand White Stuff is the latest company to report significant profit losses due in part to increasing currency costs. FX expert Paul Langley shares top lessons for SMEs on building a strong foreign exchange strategy.