
Financial Management

How can I reduce my company tax bill?

Here, we examine the ways firms can keep a lean tax bill like Amazon do.

Financial Management

Financial Management

Breaking down Government’s new Finance Bill

Will Sweeney, senior corporate tax manager at Menzies LLP, says Government changes to Entrepreneurs Relief in the Finance Bill will affect investments.

Financial Management

Why you need a shareholders agreement when starting a company

Writing a shareholders' agreement may save you time, money and stress in the long term, says Catherine Feechan, a partner in the corporate department at law firm Brodies.

Financial Management

Interview: James Finnegan, head of corporate finance and partner at Bishop Fleming

Fast-growing businesses normally need to restructure management and understand available R&D credits when scaling up.

Financial Management

How to value your business

There's a variety of different methods available when it comes to evaluating the value of your business. Here we run through the main options and explain the pros and cons of each.

Financial Management

Law firm profile: Hugh Strickland, corporate finance partner at Aaron and Partners LLP

When scaling a business it's important to have a good legal team behind you.

Financial Management

Pure invoice financing growth slows

Invoice finance is usually preferred by companies who generate seasonal revenue.

Financial Management

Interview: managing partner of Chiene + Tait, Carol Flockhart caught up with Chiene + Tait’s managing partner, Carol Flockhart on the importance of accountancy firms to be as agile as the scale-up companies they serve.

Financial Management

Pure invoice financing growth slows

Invoice finance is usually preferred by companies who generate seasonal revenue.

Financial Management

Interview: managing partner of Chiene + Tait, Carol Flockhart caught up with Chiene + Tait’s managing partner, Carol Flockhart on the importance of accountancy firms to be as agile as the scale-up companies they serve.

Financial Management

Are you maximising your capital allowances claim for commercial property?

Here, we take a brief look at the reliefs available for fixtures and fittings on commercial property.

Financial Management

How to get a loan when you are self employed

In this piece, we discuss the options available to access finance when you are self employed.

Financial Management

Long-term investment vs short-term investment: which is best?

Here, we look at both long-term and short-term investments and weigh up the advantages of each.

Financial Management

When activist hedge funds come knocking, answer with zero-based budgeting

In this piece Karen Clarke, Northern Europe managing director of Anaplan, discusses how managing costs through zero-based budgeting can help businesses win investors’ trust in the long term.