
Financial Management

Managing exchange rates and currency transactions when trading abroad

Trading abroad is a regular part of business for many UK companies, so when it comes to effectively managing exchange rates and currency transactions, it pays to look around. Marc Barber reports.

Financial Management

Financial Management

Q&A: Direct debit

How much does my company need to earn before I can receive payments by direct debit instead of standing order?

Financial Management

Blood from a stone – Credit Management Strategies that work

Debt is a perennial problem for businesses in the UK and many find their cash flow crippled by unpaid invoices. Oliver Haill investigates the choice of credit management strategies companies can take.

Financial Management

The Finance Director’ role is moving beyond simple bean counting

If you’re looking for a finance director (FD), or aspiring to become one yourself, you should be aware that this position now carries with it a range of responsibilities and opportunities extending far beyond its traditional finance functions.

Financial Management

Navigate the employee pension scheme maze

How to offer your employees a scheme, now that pensions provision is shifting focus onto employers and away from the Government...

Financial Management

Company turnaround tricks

As every entrepreneur knows, growing a company is fraught with perils. Your business model, for instance, might have worked well up to a certain stage of development, but may prove woefully unsuitable at the next one. Key customers or suppliers may let you down.

Financial Management

Managing your personal wealth

For most entrepreneurs, the biggest issue in managing personal wealth during the early years of their business is the fact that nearly all their wealth is locked into the venture.

Financial Management

Play the markets your way

If you're reaping financial rewards from your business, why not swap sides and invest your hard-earned cash in other enterprises?

Financial Management

Managing your personal wealth

For most entrepreneurs, the biggest issue in managing personal wealth during the early years of their business is the fact that nearly all their wealth is locked into the venture.

Financial Management

Play the markets your way

If you're reaping financial rewards from your business, why not swap sides and invest your hard-earned cash in other enterprises?

Financial Management

Debt recovery explained

Sooner or later almost every business finds itself desperately struggling to track down payment from an aloof customer.

Financial Management

Q&A: Company car tax operating a LLP

What is the company car tax situation where we operate a LLP? Is this the same as a partnership ie no company car tax? Or is it like a limited company where car tax is payable. Maybe it's different again? Please advise. How does using credit charges on invoices work?

Financial Management

Q&A: Paying corporation tax in two countries

I have a registered UK company and am currently working in the US for a company. Do I have to pay corporation tax in the US and UK or is there a double taxation agreement between the two countries?

Financial Management

Q&A: How to avoid future recessions

What steps can I take to avoid getting caught up in future recessions?