
Alternative Finance for Business

Five ways to give your crowdfunding campaign the best shot at success

Cleantech company Pavegen ran a hugely-successful crowdfunding campaign: so what tips do they have for others looking to do the same?

Alternative Finance for Business

Alternative Finance for Business

Alternative lender Capify looking to fill ‘void’ in SME finance market

New alternative lender is the result of five financing businesses from across the globe coming together: MD Tony Pegg tells us about the newly-branded business and why he feels the fintech revolution fills an important need in SME funding.

Alternative Finance for Business

Five ways crowdfunding is being used for good

As the campaign to crowdfund Greece’s latest IMF installment gathers pace, we look at five ways the social fundraising route is being used to make the world just that little bit better.

Alternative Finance for Business

Alternative finance comes of age

Alternative funding is no longer the new kid on the block of corporate finance: so is it ready to move into the mainstream?

Alternative Finance for Business

Does alternative finance herald a golden age of British business?

When a name as big as Lord Young says something, you'd be wise to sit up and listen: so were his comments on alternative finance and small business accurate?

Alternative Finance for Business

Disintermediation in the smaller companies equity sector

How will crowdfunding affect the equity sector in the coming years? This extensive piece from Allenby Capital looks at what the future could hold.

Alternative Finance for Business

‘Conservative’ UK market ready to embrace alternative funding

Everline and Ezbob COO Russell Gould talks the companies’ recent deal and the market’s attitude to alternative lending in exclusive chat.

Alternative Finance for Business

Female business angels on the rise in the UK

The number of women angel investors is higher than ever, according to a new study and they may be changing the way angel groups invest.

Alternative Finance for Business

‘Conservative’ UK market ready to embrace alternative funding

Everline and Ezbob COO Russell Gould talks the companies’ recent deal and the market’s attitude to alternative lending in exclusive chat.

Alternative Finance for Business

Female business angels on the rise in the UK

The number of women angel investors is higher than ever, according to a new study and they may be changing the way angel groups invest.

Alternative Finance for Business

The 55,492 dollar problem with Kickstarter

Kickstarter must become more selective with pitches if it is to become a viable way for businesses to raise money, says Gekko managing director Dan Todaro.

Alternative Finance for Business

Working out which of peer-to-peer lending or equity crowdfunding is best for investors

For investors looking for good returns, picking what type of alternative finance to engage with is an important decision.

Alternative Finance for Business

Fusing crowdfunding and the mini-bond process

When Mexican restaurant chain Chilango decided that it wanted to broaden its London offering, the business opted to blend a traditional mini-bond with the growing popularity of crowdfunding. GrowthBusiness finds out why.

Alternative Finance for Business

The rise of peer-to-peer lending in the UK

As managing director of property finance business Folk2Folk, David Brown explains why peer-to-peer is growing through opening up the finance market, and how his business fits in.