Information services company Experian has acquired a majority stake in Japanese e-mail marketing company A-Care Systems for an undisclosed sum.
Information services company Experian has acquired a majority stake in Japanese e-mail marketing company A-Care Systems for an undisclosed sum.
A-Care Systems was founded in 1999 and has over 1,000 clients across the manufacturing, retail and e-commerce sectors. The company generated revenue of JPY2.6 billion (£17 million) in the year to September 2009.
Nottingham-based Experian employs more than 3,500 people in over 25 offices in Europe and Asia Pacific. The deal comes after the recent acquisition of United MailSolutions, an e-mail marketing company based in Germany.
In the six months ending September, Experian reported an increase in group revenue of 1 per cent to £1.2 billion and pre-tax profits of £219 million.