
Growth Planning

The challenge of change

Adjusting to growth is one of the most difficult challenges you face as an entrepreneur. You may have the traits it takes to make your business a winner, but you'll be the victim of your own success if you don't plan for the new world in which you find yourself when your efforts start to pay off.

Growth Planning

Growth Planning

Pasporte targets growth

Gary Woodward, co-founder of Panacea, a traditional IT solutions business, was seeking a fresh challenge and launched Pasporte in 2000, one of the first application service providers.

Growth Planning

Organising business travel

Is it best to tie up time and staff resources sorting out your own business travel, or call in the professionals? GrowthBusiness discovers out how to get the best deals within your budget.

Growth Planning

Can family businesses flourish?

The business world is littered with examples of relatives working together successfully, but how do family members avoid unfair favouritism while also preventing parental power struggles and keeping sibling rivalry out of the boardroom? GrowthBusiness talks to the leaders of growing family businesses to find out.

Growth Planning

Overcoming seasonality

Most businesses are affected by fluctuations in trade at different times of the year, so is it better to fight that tide or go with the flow? GrowthBusiness investigates the age-old problem of seasonality.

Growth Planning

Taking the hard road to China

Instinct told Doug Currie that expanding into China was the next logical step for Genesis Forwarding Services, the business he co-founded in 1986.

Growth Planning

UK business expansion hotspot locations

Some areas of the UK are bending over backwards to encourage business growth, be it relocation or expansion. GrowthBusiness investigates ten hotspots your company should consider.

Growth Planning

Joint Chief Executives – When two heads are better than one

Business experts hate the concept of a company with joint chief executives at the helm. The received wisdom is that sooner or later, the business ship will run aground. But a raft of fast-growing ventures reaping the benefits of being led by a driven dynamic duo.

Growth Planning

UK business expansion hotspot locations

Some areas of the UK are bending over backwards to encourage business growth, be it relocation or expansion. GrowthBusiness investigates ten hotspots your company should consider.

Growth Planning

Joint Chief Executives – When two heads are better than one

Business experts hate the concept of a company with joint chief executives at the helm. The received wisdom is that sooner or later, the business ship will run aground. But a raft of fast-growing ventures reaping the benefits of being led by a driven dynamic duo.

Growth Planning

Exporting and new opportunities for expansion overseas

Exporting can be a sweat. But if you get it right, it can pay off handsomely in terms of margins and new opportunities for expansion. GrowthBusiness considers what steps you will have to take.

Growth Planning

Product + talent = not enough

Entrepreneurs with fantastic talent and great products can spend years toiling away in their markets and never attract investors to enable them to grow their venture – for the simple reason that they never understand what investors are really looking for.

Growth Planning

Mind mapping your future

John Cross, director of Cross Facilities Management, was initially sceptical when introduced to the concept of mind mapping, which aims to improve thought and organisation.

Growth Planning

Bargain basement businesses – Buying a company for £1

Buying a company for £1 and going on to make a fortune out of it is any entrepreneur’s dream. It usually means grabbing an opportunity presented by a company with good potential but mired in financial woes — and can require providing hefty financial guarantees as well as a nominal amount of cash down.