
Growth Planning

Making an acquisition in China

As the price of gold reaches record levels, the markets have started to focus on the investment potential of mining and exploration companies. One concern that has doubled its share price in the past year is China Goldmines. Andrew Chilvers spoke to the company's chief executive, Frank Vanspeybroeck.

Growth Planning

Growth Planning

Acquisitions are the most effective way of expansion

Businesses may seek organic growth but acquisitions are the most effective way of expansion. But acquisition strategies can easily fail if handled incorrectly.

Growth Planning

How to grow your business overseas

One of the most difficult decisions for any growing business to make is when and if to start trading overseas.

Growth Planning

Southbank show

Niche engineering group Southbank UK plc is in talks with several companies about potential takeovers that could quadruple its turnover in the next year.

Growth Planning

Changing the business climate

Here's what happened when top-level entrepreneurs met the CEOs of three international charities to come up with ways to tackle climate change.

Growth Planning

Attract the best graduates

With everywhere from Bedford to Bolton boasting a university and almost 60 per cent of all school leavers trooping off to study for a degree, there are around 300,000 fresh-faced graduates entering the workforce every year.

Growth Planning

The importance of the feasibility study when expanding abroad

Overseas expansion reduces your overheads and allows you to drive your business forward. Or does it? Marc Barber examines how a feasibility study can minimise the risks when opting for foreign shores.

Growth Planning

Inside joint ventures

A successful joint venture allows companies to draw on each other's resources and expertise. Adam Wayland finds out whether two heads really are better than one.

Growth Planning

The importance of the feasibility study when expanding abroad

Overseas expansion reduces your overheads and allows you to drive your business forward. Or does it? Marc Barber examines how a feasibility study can minimise the risks when opting for foreign shores.

Growth Planning

Inside joint ventures

A successful joint venture allows companies to draw on each other's resources and expertise. Adam Wayland finds out whether two heads really are better than one.

Growth Planning

Joint ventures can make profitable partnerships

If your business has strong potential but you lack the resources to bring that to fruition – be it due to a shortage of distribution channels, production capacity or even working capital – a joint venture (JV) could provide the step up you need.

Growth Planning

Communications strategy key to growth

Small businesses that communicate better with the market grow faster, according to the woman behind Angel News, a service allowing business angel-funded companies to post information online.

Growth Planning

Advice on selling equity in a business

Relinquishing a portion of equity can be an excellent way of taking money out of your business now, while staying involved in its future.

Growth Planning

How to mobilise your workforce

If you choose to implement a flexible working programme, it’s important to consider the risks as well as the potential rewards.