EVE sale for DFJ Esprit sees it take exit proceeds to $2.2 billion

Venture capital firm DFJ Esprit has accounted for 33 per cent of all European venture-backed M&A exits since January 2010, Dow Jones VentureSource data shows.

The venture capital investor has completed 15 exits over the period and contributed 33 per cent of Europe-based venture-backed acquisition sales.

Its latest sale sees it realise its investment in EVE and its line of ZeBu hardware-assisted verification products to US-based Synopsys for an undisclosed amount.

Figures from Dow Jones VentureSource, of exits over $40 million, shows that a total of $6.5 billion has been secured over the survey period.

Of DFJ Esprit’s fifteen sales, its most high-profile transaction was the sale of movie rental business LOVEFiLM to Amazon. It has also exited the likes of mobile phone chip producer Icera, Wi-Fi operator The Cloud, Kiala and internet infrastructure business Zeus.

Simon Cook, CEO of DFJ Esprit, comments, ‘The continued strong success of our business on all fronts; exits, new investments, secondary portfolio acquisitions and fund raising innovations, is testament to the amazing team of entrepreneurs both within DFJ Esprit’s team and at our portfolio companies.’

Since July 2011, the firm has closed 30 investment deals, with ten in new companies and 20 by way of follow-on rounds in portfolio businesses.

DFJ Esprit is the European partner of Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson. It currently has portfolio companies including snack subscription company Graze and semiconductor business GreenPeak.

Hunter Ruthven

Hunter Ruthven

Hunter was the Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2012 to 2014, before moving on to Caspian Media Ltd to be Editor of Real Business.

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