Carbon Trust invests in New Earth

The investment arm of the Carbon Trust has backed New Earth Solutions Group, a waste treatment company, with £4 million.

The investment arm of the Carbon Trust has backed New Earth Solutions Group, a waste treatment company, with £4 million.

The investment arm of the Carbon Trust has backed New Earth Solutions Group, a waste treatment company, with £4 million.

New Earth has operational sites in Dorset, Kent and Gloucestershire and has secured planning consent for three additional locations. The deal comes after cleantech investor Ludgate Environmental Fund provided £5 million to the company in September.

Fund manager CT Investment Partners advises Carbon Trust on its investments. Partner Jonathan Bryers says, ‘The waste industry in the UK is currently evolving from a logistics and landfill industry to one based on efficient resource management and energy generation – we believe New Earth is well positioned to capitalise on this exciting opportunity.’

London-based Carbon Trust has a fund of £18 million provided by the Department of Energy and Climate Change to invest in cleantech start-ups.

Nick Britton

Nick Britton

Nick was the Managing Editor for when it was owned by Vitesse Media, before moving on to become Head of Investment Group and Editor at What Investment and thence to Head of Intermediary...

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