How can I advertise my business?

Attracting new customers is a crucial business factor that often eludes new businesses. Here, we break down how you can learn to advertise your business and bring in new customers.

Getting the word out about your business is one of the most important tasks of any owner, manager or marketing director. A perfectly planned advertising campaign will attract new customers to your business, but creating that perfect campaign is easier said than done. There are plenty of ways you can advertise your company to potential customers, but not every technique will suit every business – here, the team at Clear Channel Direct are going to look at the various advertising methods available to you, so you can determine which ones might work best.

Outdoor advertising

Out-of-home advertising has been an incredibly popular and effective way of promotion for decades, but in today’s technology-laden market, there are more ways than ever of boosting your profile to people on their way to work or doing some shopping in town. From sprawling billboards at the sides of major roads to sharp, animated displays in bus shelters and even bars, there are plenty of ways to capture the attention of your audience when they’re out and about.

If you think that a billboard or display is the right option for you, it’s crucial that you consider several factors before finalising any campaign:

  • Your audience
  • Length of display period
  • Location of display

These options all play a huge part in the effectiveness of any campaign, so consult with your campaign planner beforehand to ensure you make the most of your time in the spotlight.

Social media

Millions upon millions of people across the country use various social media platforms, and advertising is one of the key sources of revenue for these social media companies. You can promote your business using the advertising algorithms developed by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et al to advertise your product or service to your chosen audience.

Promoted posts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram will see that your product is placed right into the feeds of users, and if the advert is well designed and worded, it may well stop them mid-scroll!


Getting your company name out and about in your local area can prove invaluable for the reputation and the success of your business. A good way to do this is to lend your name to an event, team or organisation. Not only does it show that your business supports organisations and happenings in your local area, but it helps more people see your brand and may well pique their interest, which can lead to enquiries and sales from new customers.

Above are just three of the ways that you can advertise your company to potential customers. Whether you want to stay local or spread your name around the country, the perfect advertising campaign is out there waiting for you – you just have to find it!

Owen Gough

Owen Gough

Owen Gough is a reporter for He has a background in small business marketing strategies and is responsible for writing content on subjects ranging from small business finance to technology...

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