Bad work habits costing SMEs one month of work per year 

Addressing bad habits in the workplace could drastically increase productivity in the workplace, claims report by Sage.

SMEs could dramatically increase productivity in the workplace by addressing bad working habits, according to a report by Sage One.

The survey of small business owners in the UK suggests more than half (52%) of respondents could claim back up to half an hour a day if they address their bad working habits.

The most common barriers to productivity include failing to think about the bigger picture, leaving things until the last minute and striking a poor work-life balance.

More than one in three of those polled said they had never considered how to change their habits. Additionally, 18% said they had considered it but were held back by the effort it takes to break any habitual behaviour.

Also, 15% said they would not even know where to start if they were looking to break bad habits and increase productivity.

>See also: 3 productivity lessons you can learn from Stephen King

If the average of all the time wasted by respondents is totalled it comes to 4,160,000 hours per month for UK SMEs alone – meaning every company could gain an extra month in lost work per year if all the issues around productivity were addressed effectively.

Nick Goode, general manager at Sage One, commented that the “freedom to think about the big picture and attain a healthy work-life balance go hand-in-hand”.

“But both require the time and headspace that is a luxury to so many small businesses,” he continued.

“By making accounting and invoicing simple, and helping them to effortlessly stay on top of their finances, Sage One can give people more confidence to think big.

“Spending less time on administration gives people vital time back to reengage with the things that inspired them in the first place so they can focus on making their business great.”

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.

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