
Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.


How Anthony Hynes took eNett global

Anthony Hynes is the serial entrepreneur behind travel tech company, eNett, but the payments firm wasn't an instant success when he started the business eight years ago. He speaks to GrowthBusiness about his journey.

Growth Planning

Is there room for emotion in your business pitch?

Prezi's Spencer Waldron explains why emotions and trust make up the winning formula for a successful business pitch.

Human Resources

4 simple ways to avoid social discrimination in your business

Here's how employers can ensure their hiring and interview processes are entirely free from social discrimination.


How 10 minutes of mindfulness can make employees happier and more creative

Mindfulness can boost workplace happiness, which has an immediate effect on the bottomline. But is 10 minutes of mindfulness enough to boost creativity?

Human Resources

Mind the mentoring gap: Why men are more likely to seek out career mentors

An emerging mentoring gap: new research suggests that women are less likely to find career mentors. Here's why.

Cyber Security

Are you prepared for the 7 key cyber threats of 2018?

These are the 7 key cyber threats in 2018 all business owners should watch for, according to author Neil Lewis.

Human Resources

Managing introverts at work: 5 little-known facts

Decades worth of data from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment reveals a glimpse into what makes introverts tick.

Financial Management

The state of R&D tax credits and how they can help growth companies

Here's how to make the most of R&D tax credits to boost innovation and grow your business.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Is 2018 the time to push forward with M&A plans?

Strong businesses with focused and adaptable management teams will still thrive on the M&A opportunities that arise, but there are some important questions they need to ask themselves before deciding the best way forward. MHA MacIntyre Hudson's Laurence Whitehead explains.

Human Resources

Is your CEO irreplaceable?

CEO salaries are higher than ever. But new research from the Stanford Graduate School of Business finds that identifying the right person for the top job is also harder than ever, despite the attractive compensation on offer. David Larcker, a professor of accounting at the School who led the research, explains why.

Venture Capital Funding

5 top tips for hospitality operators looking for investment

Here's how you can take your hospitality business to the next level, from securing investment to gaining industry expertise, the right network, and strategic advice.

Growth Planning

Get your brand stocked on the high street: 6 lessons from Solillas

If you are launching a fashion brand and plan to sell it though high street retailers, you’ll need to follow these six steps, says Solillas founder Jonnie Matthew.