
Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.

Alternative Finance for Business

8 in 10 SMEs still prefer traditional bank loans over alternative finance

New research reveals that SME finance directors still prefer their banks to other forms of funding. Here's why.


Digital tailors and memory curators: 21 jobs of the future revealed

Jobs from our parents’ generation may in time seem ridiculous to our children, says futurist.

Growth Planning

Mission possible: How to lead like an action hero

Civica’s Wendy Merry examines the power of effective leadership and a clear organisational vision.


6 health hacks to bring to work in the new year

Start the year right with these six health hacks for the workplace.

Human Resources

Are employers ready to report gender pay gaps in April?

Businesses with over 250 employees have less than three months to report their gender pay and bonus gaps under legislation that sets an April 2018 publication date. Are they ready?

Human Resources

Vitesse Media Diversity Series: Male allies and gender parity dissected

From encouraging relatable role models to sparking an 'a-ha' moment in men, we speak to eight gender parity advocates on how to develop strong male allies.

Growth Planning

Brexit means more UK business for China over Europe, says expert

As Brexit negotiations come to a head, British retail brands should look no further than the Chinese market, says digital advertising expert.

Human Resources

Why 8 in 10 hiring managers are putting diversity first

New data from LinkedIn reveals that 82 per cent of hiring managers are putting diversity first in 2018. Here's why.

Company Flotations

What does going public on AIM mean for SMEs?

Why the Alternative Investments Market (AIM) is still relevant for growth businesses, and what going public on AIM in 2018 means for SMEs.


Why ‘good ideas’ are overrated in business

Many companies have been blinded by the thinking that there is no such thing as a bad idea, but here’s why that’s a fallacy.


How banks are going to be using blockchain in 2018

Banks have taken a notable interest in using blockchain technology because it makes it difficult for fraudulent transactions to take place. Here's how banks can leverage blockchain in 2018.


Wine connoisseur turned entrepreneur Robert Edwards on The Vino Beano

The Vino Beano's founder, Robert Edwards, left the life of an auditor to start a wine business. Here's his story.