
Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.


Latin America’s rising stars: How the LatAm Edge Awards is building a bridge between cultures

Sandra Sinicco talks to GrowthBusiness about the LatAm Edge Awards, a bridge connecting LatAm businesses with UK business experts.


The top 10 global entrepreneurial hotspots

The startup community has been growing. Different cities globally have an opportunity to participate in this revolutionary movement while increasing the economic growth and job creation possibilities.


Is being too dedicated to your career bad in the long-term?

There is such a thing as being too dedicated to your career, according to new research. Here's why extreme dedication can damage long-term success.

Legislation and Regulation

Lessons from Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment case

Harvey Weinstein, one of Hollywood's most powerful men, has fallen from grace. What can businesses learn from the Weinstein sexual harassment case?


Game of Drones: Which industry will take the throne?

The drone industry is predicted to boom into a $100 billion market, and by 2030, over one billion drones could be flying through cities. Which industry will make the most out of this technology?


The trillionaire’s list: A timeline for the richest people to hit the trillion-dollar mark

A new infographic looks at the 20 richest people in the world to predict how long it'll take for them to hit the trillion-dollar mark. 

Human Resources

Why energy supplier SSE measures ‘return on inclusion’

Is measuring 'return on inclusion' the best way to value difference and diversity? SSE reassess its approach for the next three years.

Human Resources

UK women outpace men in finding healthy work-life balance

New research into the up-take of flexible work reveals that when it comes to juggling the personal and professional, working women have the upper-hand.

Financial Management

Brexit poses biggest risk of business insolvency

ICAEW surveyed those working with the insolvency and business restructuring sectors on what would be the three greatest threats to British businesses over the next two years. Overwhelmingly, the responses ranked the impact of Brexit as number one.


AmeriCamp: A passport for UK millennials on a “gap summer”

Manchester-based entrepreneur Lee McAteer is taking on one of America's longest-standing megabrands with his rival business, AmeriCamp. Here's how.


Top 5 intellectual property mistakes to avoid

Intellectual Property law can be a minefield, particularly for SMEs. British Library Business & IP Centre's Jeremy O'Hare highlights the five biggest intellectual property mistakes all growing businesses should avoid.


Aviva’s Wealthify deal: Is the UK ready for a robo-acquisition race?

Will Aviva's acquisition of Wealthify signal the start of an M&A drive for robo advice?