Albion backs independent school

Radnor House School, a new fee-paying school in south west London, has received funding of £8.7 million from Albion Ventures.

Radnor House School, a new fee-paying school in south west London, has received funding of £8.7 million from Albion Ventures.

Radnor House School, a new fee-paying school in south west London, has received funding of £8.7 million from Albion Ventures.

The funding makes it possible to purchase the freehold premises of Radnor House in Twickenham, on the site of Alexander Pope’s villa on the River Thames. The school will open in September next year to students of both sexes aged between seven and 18.

Emil Gigov, partner at Albion, says, ‘The development of a start-up school is a very exciting, genuinely unique opportunity for us, which has been made possible through the combination of an attractive geographic location, an exceptional management team and the strong heritage of the site.’

Headmaster Robert Cook will lead the school, supported by deputy head David Paton. Fees will range from £3,950 to £4,625 per term.

Nick Britton

Nick Britton

Nick was the Managing Editor for when it was owned by Vitesse Media, before moving on to become Head of Investment Group and Editor at What Investment and thence to Head of Intermediary...

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