A look at AIM’s investors

Institutional investment in AIM companies continues to rise steadily, with institutions now controlling some 40.9 per cent of the market, a statistic revealed by Growth Company Investor’s third annual market survey.

Institutional investment in AIM companies continues to rise steadily, with institutions now controlling some 40.9 per cent of the market, a statistic revealed by Growth Company Investor’s third annual market survey.

Institutional investment in AIM companies continues to rise steadily, with institutions now controlling some 40.9 per cent of the market (up from 38.3 per cent in 2004 and 35.2 per cent in 2003), a statistic revealed by Growth Company Investor’s third annual market survey.

Now home to more than 1,275 companies, worth a combined £47.2 billion – up from 702 business, valued at £14.2 billion in 2003 – AIM’s profile has increased steadily in recent years and the total level of institutional investment in the market now tops £19.3 million.

For the second year running, CDS & Co, an amalgam of domestic Canadian private investors with holdings in various Canadian-registered mining giants, remains AIM’s biggest individual supporter with holdings of £1.4 billion in six companies.

More familiar growth company backers, including Fidelity (£692.8 million), Artemis (£451.3 million) and F&C (£300 million) also feature prominently, as do several of the more traditionally ‘blue-blooded’ investment banks like Schroder (£340.4 million) and Merrill Lynch (£244.5 million).

In terms of sectors, mining (19.9 per cent of all institutional investment), oil & gas (17.3 per cent), finance (14 per cent) and leisure (7.6 per cent) lead the way.

A comprehensive 16-page report detailing all of Growth Company Investor’s findings is available in PDF format priced £195 + VAT. To order a copy, call 020-7430 9777 or email info@growthcompany.co.uk.

Leslie Copeland

Leslie Copeland

Leslie was made Editor for Growth Company Investor magazine in 2000, then headed up the launch of Business XL magazine, and then became Editorial Director in 2007 for the online and print publication portfolio...

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