Going places…

This month, entrepreneur Louise Wreathall is awarded the 'Best Mumpreneur' accolade and corporate financier Ewan Lloyd Baker is spearheading a series of deals on behalf of one of his companies.

1. Working mum makes shortlist

Entrepreneur Louise Wreathall has been shortlisted for the ‘Best Mumpreneur’ award at the national mother@work awards 2008. Wreathall, creator of Flexi Time Manager, an online flexi time recording service, launched her business last year and has seen it go from strength to strength. She says, ‘Being shortlisted for this award means so much to me. Of course I’d be thrilled to win, but reaching the final stage itself shows that my work in getting the business where it is today has paid off.’

2. Northerner of the Year

Martin Port, managing director of vehicle tracking company Masternaut Three X, has been named Ernst & Young Northern Entrepreneur for Technology and Communications 2008. Port, who fought off strong competition from 42 of the region’s finest entrepreneurs, was presented with the prize by David Pollack of Chess who scooped the award in 2007, at a ceremony held at Manchester’s Hilton Hotel. Port will now go on to represent the region at the national finals held in London later this year.

3. Eastern promise

Ewan Lloyd Baker, industrial merger broker and corporate financier, is spearheading a series of deals on behalf of one of his companies, engineering specialist Southbank. Quoted on the Channel Islands Stock Exchange, Southbank is arranging £5 million of financing for subsidiary Hayward Tyler, maker of sub-sea extraction pumps for the oil and gas industry, and negotiating £20 million of potential acquisitions intended to boost the business’s exports to China. He’s also considering an AIM float.

Marc Barber

Marc Barber

Marc was editor of GrowthBusiness from 2006 to 2010. He specialised in writing about entrepreneurs, private equity and venture capital, mid-market M&A, small caps and high-growth businesses.

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