​Google to support ten UK start-ups to go global

The start-ups identified by Google will receive support to scale at the company's Campus London workspace

The start-ups identified by Google will receive support to scale at the company’s Campus London workspace

Google launched a nationwide search for startups today to find and mentor ten of the UK’s most innovative businesses this summer in a residential programme at Campus London.

Campus Exchange will fully immerse founders into entrepreneurial life, connecting them with key players in the community in Shoreditch and beyond. Graduates of this program have gone on to Silicon Valley based programmes like Blackbox Connect, have been nominated for the Google Play awards, and secured funding from some of London’s top Angels and venture capitalists.

“Amazing ideas can come from anywhere, and there is incredible entrepreneurial talent across the UK. Pooling this talent with the knowledge and expertise of our international community of entrepreneurs, puts Campus London in a unique position to help propel the best startups to global scale,” Francesca Dean, head of programmes at Google’s Campus London said.

A roadshow across Liverpool, Newcastle, London, Cambridge and Edinburgh is scheduled to take place from 29th July to 22nd August, when applications for the programme open. Google mentors will travel across the UK to meet and identify top start-ups. These sessions will include 30 minute one-to-one meetings, covering topics ranging from ‘analytics’ to ‘user on-boarding’, with specialists in technology, marketing, sales and data, on hand.

In London, the Campus community—which includes designers, developers, founders, and investors—is now 60,000 strong with members from 159 countries. “Just last year, we organised more than 1,493 mentorship hours between Googlers and entrepreneurs, and we’re proud to see that our members have raised £50,397,000 in funding, creating over 1000 new jobs in 2015 alone,” Dean added.

Startups interested in taking part can apply for Campus Exchange at Campus.co/bestofbritish

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for GrowthBusiness.co.uk from 2016 to 2018.

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