Front-office tools: one size doesn’t fit all

SAP has been the platform of choice for various large businesses for over a decade. Now SAP is keen to bring that expertise to the SME market with the launch of their SAP Anywhere suite

SAP has been the platform of choice for various large businesses for over a decade. Now SAP is keen to bring that expertise to the SME market with the launch of their SAP Anywhere suite

Over a million growing businesses lack basic digital skills, an issue that has long threatened the competitiveness of smaller businesses for the past decade. Whether it be a fashion retailer or an independent grocer, how can these businesses continue their growth when competing with the likes of Asos and Ocado?  

Beyond trendy web design and a strong social media following, larger businesses have held the upper hand in business due to its arsenal of front office tools within a collaborative technological ecosystem. But are these tools feasible for smaller businesses on the fast-track to growth?

Front-office tools are crucial for businesses of all sizes, but retailers with ten to 200 employees would not require a complex CRM system or sophisticated customer engagement tools.  Tools like SAP Anywhere offers a cloud-based front-office platform that integrates e-commerce, customer interaction, and inventory management onto a singular platform. 

Today more and more people rely on multiple devices to get their work done and the cloud is the way to go. SAP has realised this and made sure their platform works on mobile, and is browser-enabled. This brings with it the comfort and security that businesses are not at the mercy of a team member forgetting their laptop on the train or the back of a taxi.

Front-office tools are crucial in helping businesses keep up with large volumes of new customers. Managing the complexity of maintaining multiple client relationships requires worksheets, a CRM, an inventory management system, and a payment system–none of which are inherently connected to each other.  The cost of setting up IT solutions to bridge the gap is high, as is the cost of breaking a promise to customers because the inventory did not support a transaction made online. Front-office tools help businesses integrate all the business essentials on a unified platform to track inventory, process orders and manage customers. 

With SAP Anywhere, businesses can launch and manage a complete e-commerce platform with seamless integration of inventory management to the online sales channel- a powerful way for business makes sure they have the right stock, and sales personnel to make sure that they are not selling products they don’t have. 

The integration of popular platforms for payment (such as PayPal) and shipment reduces the expenses associated with managing a project to “integrate” a new platform.

Most businesses will have most these systems and process in place, but SAP Anywhere brings all of the tools together in one place, freeing up time and effort involved in managing multiple processes so that retailers can focus on staying competitive.

Book your demo today. 

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.

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