Fresh start for Sutcliffe

Matt Sutcliffe is putting the finishing touches on his new venture, Alexander Gold.

Matt Sutcliffe is putting the finishing touches on his new venture, Alexander Gold.

Matt Sutcliffe, the abrasive mining financier who backed many an extractive project for brokers Williams de Broe and Evolution Beeson Gregory and now operates independently, is putting the finishing touches on his new venture, Alexander Gold. As chairman, he has been talking to potential backers and recruiting a management team for the new company, which will pursue gold assets in Eastern Europe and Africa.

‘We are well funded,’ says Sutcliffe from his office off the Strand in London.

Geologist John Hodder, who supported many mining projects at the Commonwealth Development Corporation, has joined Alexander and others will soon follow.


Sara Williams

Sara Williams

Sara Williams was executive chairman of AIM-listed Vitesse Media (the original publisher of, the company she started in 1997. A former investment analyst with Kleinwortt Benson, Sara...

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