The venture capital numbers game

It's always interesting to find out who the most active investors have been.

With GrowthBusiness keeping tabs on the start-ups and growth companies securing venture capital backing throughout the year, taking stock of the year’s totals is an important practice.

Findings from Ascendant Corporate Finance have picked out a number of investors who have been particularly busy in closing deals in the technology space.

Firms of varying fund size and sector specialisation have ringed up a total of £923 million from 260 deals of over £500,000. The fourth quarter saw a particularly busy period, with 11 investors uniting to pump £280 million into 77 businesses.

Today, we’ve taken an in-depth look at the ten biggest deals of the year – with the likes of NewVoiceMedia, Datasift and Funding Circle all contributing.

The biggest sectors for investment were internet/wireless services (£257 million), software (£187 million) and cleantech (£180 million) – while uncategorised companies raised £300 million.

Next week GrowthBusiness will be providing a detailed examination of the most prolific venture capital investors of 2013. We’re collating all the data to show where the busiest firms are putting their money and what they will be looking for in the coming year.

The results will be a great way for companies looking to raise money to identify who the main players are and whether those firms’ investment approach fits in with what they are offering.

Approaching the fundraising process in a prepared and ordered approach can help with not letting the process of securing investment completely dominate day-to-day business.

Hunter Ruthven

Hunter Ruthven

Hunter was the Editor for from 2012 to 2014, before moving on to Caspian Media Ltd to be Editor of Real Business.

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Venture Capital