The importance of teamwork when expanding a business

All experienced business leaders know that worker motivation is key for success - and that motivation derives from their satisfaction with the job they have. Therefore, every smart boss in the world tries to stick to the well-known formula: a happy employee = a good employee.

Just look at the most successful companies who have amazing strategies for motivating employees and team building. Google is one of those places – a company that attracts the biggest talents from all over the world and their philosophy is: “To create the happiest, most productive workplace in the world.”

They know it costs more to replace and train new staff and they are well-aware of the fact that happy workers stay with the company longer, giving their best to shine at work. Building a strong, motivated team is the shortest and the safest path to success and one that will help your businesses bloom.

How to build a team

Why does team building matter? When people are working together on achieving project goals, the more harmonious and dynamic the team is, the easier this task will be. However, this is rarely simple and quick. First, when selecting a new employee, try to look for people who match your organizational structure. Next, when the team is full, it is important to set them SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound), create an atmosphere of cooperation, and inspire constructive debates and problem-solving processes.

Related: Building a team with the right mix of experience and youth [case study]

However, good communication, conflict resolution and joint activities that will help to enhance the team spirit are the key. Office parties and workshops are a good way to start, but don’t limit team building activities to the office space only. How to build a team in a non-office environment? Schedule a weekend picnic or a field trip that will be creative, fun and inspire everyone to participate. Boot camps, cooking for a cause, sports day, detective and solving mystery games, hunting treasure, playing “Survivor”, chases and races… the options are extremely creative and limitless.

How to motivate them

Achieving success on a common project can make members of the team feel motivated for further ventures – but more than that is needed. At the most basic level, employees want to feel respected and praised for their good work. Therefore, always let your staff know how much you value them, especially when the times are tough and during or after long, strenuous work. You can use gifts to reward them, throw a party or tell them how you value them at a business meeting – it’s important that you see this as a priority. Also, communication on a daily basis matters, whether it’s an ordinary greeting, short chat or a serious conversation.

Besides motivation and encouragement, it’s important to make your team see that you are a true and natural leader. Firm leadership includes respect that goes both ways – it’s hard to earn it if you don’t show it to your employees. The same goes for meeting deadlines, punctuality, work habits and ethics – you can’t expect your employees to come to work on time, or stay overtime and be happy about it if you’re not there. You have to set an example and be their role model – behave exactly how you would like them to. “Visible” bosses who are there to supervise their team, but provide support as well are usually those who make a team feel happy and motivated.

How to take it to another level

When the team is sufficiently cohesive and positively encouraged, it’s important to invest in their further professional improvement and gaining a new set of skills and knowledge. This is the final stage in building a perfect team: organise training and seminars for the employees and choose those that will let them truly fulfill their potentials and grow both professionally and personally. After the training is finished, do not miss the opportunity to ask your team for feedback on how the course was beneficial for them.

What kind of training should you provide for your team? Before you invest money in top-level courses, research them thoroughly to see if they are useful and suitable for your people. Find out their wishes and where the gaps in competency lie. Every program should be flexible, with a clear purpose, increasing the skills and efficiency of team members. However, not all of them should be focused on professional skills. Their aim can be emotional encouragement or gaining communication skills that will benefit employees at and outside the workplace and contribute to business success even more.

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.