Techniques to promote health and wellness in the workplace

Any company that seeks to be more productive and attains long term success values its employees’ health and wellness.

Absenteeism at work happens for several reasons and among these reasons are stress and illness. When employees fail to show up consistently, workflow processes are disrupted and that affects the quality of service provided to customers.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), since employees spend the majority of their days in the office, it would be crucial for health programs to be incorporated in order to promote healthier lifestyles for everyone at work.

Even the simplest efforts to make your office a healthier environment to work in can bring about massive changes for everyone. Read this guide to get started with implementing health and wellness strategies in your company.

Invest in preventive care

Preventive care is about engaging in a variety of practices that prevent the occurrence of disease. To bring preventive care into the office, you can employ a company doctor or nurse to hold regular check-ups, screening tests, and physical examinations, provide yearly vaccinations and conduct health teachings.

Having these professionals ensures that every employee gets the care he/she needs to avoid bigger problems in the future.

Offer wellness programs

In a Harvard Business Review article, it has been mentioned that wellness programs are the solution to a national health crisis. Several companies have already seen the benefits of having a wellness program in place.

One of these top workplaces that prioritises employee wellness is Microsoft. The company offers paid gym memberships, soccer and basketball fields, bicycles, and weight management programs.

Promote healthy snacking

Healthy snacking doesn’t seem to be much of a priority in busy work environments. What most people fail to realize is that the quality of food that one chooses to eat during downtime at the office greatly impacts his/her mood, productivity, stress level, and ability to focus.

As a leader or manager, you need to assess what your co-workers bring into their desks. You may notice poor choices like chips, pastries, fries, and soda. Slowly introduce the idea of having nutritious snacks instead. Explain the benefits of these snacks and suggest some great options they can try. Healthier options include apricots, avocados, Greek yogurt, and boiled eggs.

Strive for employee satisfaction

Whether an organization is big or small, the satisfaction employees feel always matters. Staff members who feel happy and positive about their work can perform better, interact well with their colleagues, and maintain better emotional and physical health.

Make sure that your company conducts employee satisfaction surveys to assess the well-being of your workers. Their survey responses will help you establish a connection between your organization’s current overall level of efficiency and your staff members’ individual performances. Find ways to engage your staff members and make them feel appreciated, positive, and less stressed.

Promote physical activity – get active!

They say that sitting is the new smoking. Yes, living a sedentary lifestyle by being stuck to your chair several hours in a day can slow down your metabolism. This leads to several health problems such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Worse, too much sitting can shorten a person’s lifespan.Inspire your team to achieve and maintain a healthy weight by organizing weekly group fitness sessions like Zumba and yoga. Make smart suggestions such as parking far from the office, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and having a 15-minute “walking break.” Being physically active does not only bring better

Inspire your team to achieve and maintain a healthy weight by organizing weekly group fitness sessions like Zumba and yoga. Make smart suggestions such as parking far from the office, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and having a 15-minute “walking break.” Being physically active does not only bring better health but also results in an improved work performance.


Health and wellness at work shouldn’t be an afterthought. Companies out to be more keen in promoting holistic health practices to boost employees’ career initiatives at the office, thereby achieving more lasting success.

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.