

Articles on unicorn companies that are disrupting traditional industries with unique business models or technologies, and attracting significant venture capital investment.

Venture Capital Funding

Superstar scientist fund Ahren closes over £200m to invest in tech startups

Ahren has assembled brains trust to advise science fund whose investors include Sky, Aviva and Unilever


UK creates a tech unicorn company every month over the past year

The UK has produced 13 tech unicorns valued at over $1bn over past 12 months, taking overall total to 72

Venture Capital Funding

UK venture capital in fintech nudges up 2pc in first quarter to £497m

Britain remains top fintech market for VCs in Europe, ahead of Germany

Growth Planning

Are you on track to be running a $1bn unicorn business?

Have you got what it takes to be running a fabled $1bn unicorn business? A study by recruitment firm Pareto Law finds they have some surprising things in common


Britain will host 25% of Europe’s coming billion dollar tech companies

London attracts more foreign direct investment into fast-growing businesses than any other world city in 2018


Who and where are the UK unicorns?

New data shows where the UK unicorns are located and how long it took them to achieve the status.

Venture Capital Funding

Are European tech start-ups being held back by lower ‘reward for risk’?

Reward for risk: Giving employees ‘a greater stake in the game’ is essential if Europe is to produce the next wave of global tech giants, according to a new research by Index Ventures.


Why networking is this Silicon Valley exec’s secret weapon

From tackling toxic culture against women to making and taking opportunities, ForeScout Technologies CTO Julie Cullivan outlines what success in Silicon Valley looks like.


Making UK unicorns a more common breed

Nearly half of all small businesses fail within their first five years, but what is the cause? Can better leadership skills help you build a unicorn?


How will Brexit affect UK unicorns?

Seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of Fleximize Peter Tuvey discusses how Brexit is likely to affect the UK’s established and future unicorns.


Why the Northern Powerhouse is good for unicorns

A new report examines the potential for billion-dollar British business in northern England to grow from foals to unicorns from now till 2020.


Europe hotbed of Unicorns amid ‘fundamentally changing’ funding model

The number of European businesses reaching the highest valuations is rocketing, according to Hoxton Ventures partner Hussein Kanji.