
PLUS Markets Group

Articles, news and analysis on the PLUS Markets Group stock exchange for small-cap companies. Founded in 2005, it was acquired by ICAP in 2012 and rebranded as Icap Securities and Derivatives Exchange (ISDX).

Company Flotations

Float your boat on PLUS Markets

PLUS-quoted continues to attract entrepreneurial ventures looking to tap into a sea of investment capital, writes Robert Tyerman.

Company Flotations

Sizing up PLUS-quoted

PLUS-quoted continues to attract entrepreneurial ventures seeking additional finance and a higher profile.


Admission to PLUS for DXS International

DXS International, a company which provides information publishing software and content solution services to healthcare professionals in the UK, has floated on PLUS.


CADS launches on PLUS Markets

Captive Audience Display Solutions (CADS), an out-of-home digital media network that delivers news, entertainment and advertising to viewers on petrol station forecourts in Ireland, has launched on PLUS Markets.


RAK Real Estate floats on PLUS

A cash shell for investing in Middle Eastern and North African property businesses has floated on PLUS.

Company Flotations

Making the most of junior markets like AIM

AIM is a well-established source of capital and forum for deals, while the PLUS Quoted market is striving to carve a niche at the junior end of the corporate spectrum. Winners of the Growth Company Awards tell Robert Tyerman how they are seizing the opportunities that these exchanges provide.


PLUS ‘grows market share’

London’s tertiary exchange, PLUS, says it has grown its share in trading of small- and mid-cap stocks that are also listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

Company Flotations

PLUS Markets

Share market operator PLUS Markets Group intends to leave AIM for its own PLUS-Listed platform, writes Leslie Copeland.

Company Flotations

Positive signs for PLUS Markets

PLUS Markets claims it has wholly reinvented itself over the past few years. Leslie Copeland surveys the landscape.


Geo Genesis soars after PLUS float

A company which invests in and advises businesses in China has floated on PLUS. Shares in Geo Genesis Group surged more than 60 per cent to 56p on their first day of dealings and have increased further since the announcement of a partnership with a Chinese bank.

Company Flotations

PLUS: an exchange on the rise?

Imagine a public market that allows you to raise finance with a minimum of fuss and outlay on regulatory compliance. This is what PLUS Markets has been trying to create during the past 18 months through its PLUS Quoted and PLUS Listed trading platforms.


Conchango finds a home on PLUS

PLUS cash shell Harrier has completed a reverse takeover of web consultancy business Conchango with a view to transferring its shares to AIM.