

Patents are crucial for companies as they provide legal protection for innovative products, processes, or technologies. This category contains guides on securing patents and articles on their role in driving business growth and sustaining competitive advantage.

Growth Planning

The (near) future of global innovation: 9m inventions, four short years

Around 9m patents are expected to be filed within the next four years. Harnessing patent data will act as a multiplier for global innovation, explains Ed White


UK increases trademark applications but lags in patents activity

The UK is in the top 20 of countries filing for patent applications but this is still down on previous years at a time when, with Brexit looming, it should be forging a path.


Private equity backing in Europe fuelling patent application growth

Businesses which choose to be funded through a private equity route are more likely to secure foreign investment, the European Private Equity & Venture Capital Association says.

Legislation and Regulation

New Unified Patent Court set to provide ‘one-stop shop’ for IP protection

A new patent court is set to be established in London after business secretary Vince Cable inked a deal in Brussels.


Patent strategies to protect your intellectual assets

Mark Cohen, managing consultant at Sagentia, examines how SMEs should be going about intellectual property defence and how to make a claim.

Legislation and Regulation

Simplifying the patent process in Europe

Can new EU regulation make it easier for businesses to obtain a patent?


Patent success on the up

The UK has seen a rise in the amount of patent applications approved, but a dip in the amount submitted.


The importance of protecting a great idea

If the potential of your business rests on its intellectual property, a patent could prove invaluable.


Patent-rich companies ripe for takeover

Patent-rich ventures with healthy balance sheets and low market valuations are perfect acquisition targets for companies seeking to expand, according to exclusive research by Business XL.

Legislation and Regulation

Patent or Perish – Developing an IP Protection Strategy

If you've invented a ground-breaking product that could fundamentally change a business process, you'll need to get a patent strategy. Without one, investors will shun you and commercial vultures may steal your idea.