

Articles on the art of business negotiation, with advice on identifying common ground, understanding each party’s needs and priorities, and finding creative solutions to resolve differences and achieve desired outcomes.


When to walk away from a negotiation: wish, want, walk values

The art of negotiation is a vitally important business skill to possess. Knowing when to push for the highest figure possible, settle for a reasonable compromise or move on to something new is crucial to success.


How to negotiate your way to success

Fortitude Dynamics' Monika Juneja outlines ways to make sure your negotiation game is flawless.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Negotiating the sale of your business

In the GrowthBusiness M&A Guide 2017, EMC Corporate Finance's Nik Askaroff, outlines the five key steps to a successful negotiation.

Legislation and Regulation

Perils and pitfalls in negotiating commercial contracts

A big contract can be a make or break moment for a growth business – but they are not without their risks, explains Simon Portman, managing associate at Marks & Clerk Solicitors.


Business Negotiation Nuances

If people think about negotiating at all, they assume you should play it hard and reveal nothing.

Growth Planning

Secrets of successful business negotiation

Running a successful company requires negotiating prowess. When it comes to getting the best deal, ensure you’re not letting yourself down, writes Michael Jackson.

Legislation and Regulation

Renegotiating signed deals

As a business owner you will be required sign hundreds of contractual agreements with suppliers, customers and shareholders. But what happens if circumstances change and you want to get out of a contract?