
Management buyout

Articles and news on management buyouts for UK and European growth companies.


Skyscanner backer supports Tryzens management buy-out

A deal led by Tryzens chief executive Terry Hunter is set to see the digital retail business cut ties with parent company Jaywing.


Simply Business chooses to split from parent company through AnaCap-backed MBO

Small business provider Simply Business has closed a management buy-out with help from financial services private equity firm AnaCap Financial Partners.


Dunedin backs MBO of alloy components company

UK mid-market buyout house Dunedin has backed the management buyout of alloy components concern Premier Hytemp.

Venture Capital Funding

Business Exit by Buy-out

There are a number of options that are available to business owners looking to sell their business: Stephen Campbell, partner at Panoramic Growth Equity, presents a case for the management buy-out.


Kedleston finds new buy-out backer in Metric Capital Partners

The management team of care business Kedleston UK has launched a buy-out of the business with help from Metric Capital Partners.


Back to school for Graphite as it backs Explore Learning

Mid-market private equity firm Explore Learning has backed the management buy-out of Explore Learning.


Management buy-out for Autologic 

ISIS Equity Partners has funded a £46 million management buy-out of car diagnostics provider Autologic Diagnostic, allowing some of the current shareholder base to exit holdings.


Bowmark backs CSL secondary buy-out

Private equity firm Bowmark Capital has backed the management buy-out of CSL DualCom (CSL) in a deal worth £32 million.


Matrix sees sevenfold return from sale of DiGiCo

ISIS Equity Partners has backed a £50 million management buy-out of technology business DiGiCo.


Management team leads buy-out of BPE

Barclays Private Equity (BPE) has been acquired through a buy-out led by its management team, and is to be renamed as Equistone Partners Europe.


Glenside to expand after £25 million buy-out

Mid-market private equity firm Bowmark Capital has invested £25 million in the management buy-out and expansion financing of care home business Glenside Manor Healthcare Services.


Bowmark backs Leaders buy-out

Lettings and property agency Leaders has been acquired in a £48 million management buy-out backed by Bowmark Capital.