
Industry 4.0


What does the fourth industrial revolution mean for the future of work?

Fast Future's Steve Wells, Alexandra Whittington and Rohit Talwar outline the skills that will survive the fourth industrial revolution.


How industry 4.0 can make the impossible possible

In a world of short lead times, on-demand production, and mass customisation, industry 4.0 represents an opportunity for manufacturers to compete on a global stage – regardless of their size. Proto Labs' Stephen Dyson writes.

Growth Planning

How collaboration can further the fourth industrial revolution

The WEF discussion addressed the need for greater co-operation and collaboration between businesses, especially when it comes to sharing technological advances. Stephen Dyson, Head of Industry 4.0, Proto Labs considers the role digital manufacturing will play in the fourth industrial revolution.


3D printing and the new industrial revolution

Damian Hennessey, director, Proto Labs discusses how 3D printing can power many UK businesses forward into the digital revolution.

Human Resources

Are you prepared for the fourth Industrial Revolution?

We are currently on the brink of a new industrial revolution, which will once again change the way we work forever.