


9 of the best business energy suppliers based in the UK

To keep your costs down, you should be reviewing your business energy supplier regularly. We line up nine of the best


How the home energy revolution will challenge the status quo

Energy efficient boilers are just the beginning. Investors are increasingly interested in unlocking the value in the whole home energy market. Hometree's Simon Phelan writes.


UK’s first grid-scale electricity storage facility to begin as early as next year

Construction of the first grid-scale electricity storage facility to be built in Britain for more than 30 years could begin as early as 2018.


Open Data could save UK energy market £400 million in next 10 years

Open data has helped sectors like transport and medicine thrive. Used in the energy market, it can help the private sector work with the government to identify and correct inefficiencies


Sussex community energy project launched 

Sussex energy cooperative responds to government EIS tax changes by launching 5MW solar fund to beat 30th November cut-off


Campaign launched to address ‘depressing’ lack of gender diversity in energy industry

A paper compiled by professional services company PwC and industry body POWERful Women (PfW) has called for the energy industry to address the issue of gender diversity.


Octopus returns to Bowman Power to fund global growth of energy firm

Heat recovery business Bowman Power has raised £3 million of new growth capital so that it can grow its footprint.

Financial Management

Five ways to make your business more competitive through better energy management

To mark Big Energy Saving Week, Phil Scholes, SME sales and marketing director at npower, offers advice on how small and medium sized businesses can give themselves an edge over their competitors by reducing their cost base through better energy management.


How innovative engineering can help businesses reach their energy reduction goals

Gary Berlyn, managing director of The Business Channel, explains how businesses can reduce carbon emissions by improving building energy performance through the application of the latest engineering innovations.


Vince Cable reveals plans to add two business Catapults to the current crop of seven

Two new government Catapult centres will target the energy systems and healthcare sectors, under plans unveiled by the government.


British Gas looks to build energy efficiency offering with investment in 4energy

Energy supplier British Gas has led a £7 million investment into telecoms and data centre efficiency company 4energy.


First institutional funding round for Smarter Grid Solutions

Scottish Equity Partners and Scottish Enterprise are coming together to provide £3 million of investment capital to Smarter Grid Solutions.