

Articles, news and analysis on the latest trends in the UK crowdfunding space.

Alternative Finance for Business

Why I’m using crowdfunding over banks, VCs and angels

Mano Manoharan explains why, after a successful career as an entrepreneur, he is turning to a new and unproven form of business finance for his new start-up.


SME loan crowdfunding platform FundingKnight closes its own investment round

Crowdfunding platform FundingKnight has secured £1.5 million of investment for itself and given away a 20 per cent equity stake.


Crowdfunding: An arriving and welcome phenomenon

The rise of crowdfunding can only be sustained if we keep the nanny state out.

Alternative Finance for Business

Free guide on using equity crowdfunding to finance business growth

The GrowthBusiness guide on equity crowdfunding provides case studies from businesses including Escape the City which have already raised up to £600,000 through the funding process.


UK crowdfunding institutions unite to create regulatory association

Crowdfunding platforms including Crowdcube, Seedrs and CrowdBnk are coming together to form a self-regulatory body.


Government regulation to be brought in for peer-to-peer lending in the UK to formalise crowdfunding

Peer-to-peer lending in the UK is set to receive its own tailored regulation after the government announced it would be making the move.


Crowdfunders choose to evaluate past successes of entrepreneur as investment criteria

Perceived market potential and prior experience of an entrepreneur are the most important considerations for crowdfunding investors, research shows.


Kickstarter to join UK crowdfunding surge

US-based crowdfunding platform Kickstarter is planning to launch in the UK in the autumn.

Alternative Finance for Business

Tech firm snubs VCs in favour of crowdfunding

London-based start-up Escape the City has turned down a £500,000 investment from what it calls a 'top' venture capital firm in favour of crowdfunding.


US backs crowdfunding drive

After receiving overwhelming support, the US House of Representatives has passed the JOBS act to make early-stage investment more accessible.

Alternative Finance for Business

The Social Funding Dash for Cash

The social funding industry is drawing attention from the business community as a viable option for finance. GrowthBusiness finds out if it is the saviour that some proclaim it to be.


Entrepreneur becomes youngest crowdfunding recipient

Founder of Universal Fuels, Oliver Morgan, has matched the bank finance he has already secured using Crowdcube.