

Human Resources

The 5 biggest career fears and what you can do about them

From fear of failure, to stress over being rejected by colleagues, here are the top five career fears plaguing UK employees today, and what can be done about them.


Lessons from Wimbledon: Why a healthy dose of competition is good for your career

Robert Half UK's Phil Sheridan on how some of the greatest Wimbledon champions have shown us that a healthy dose of competition is good for your career.


Are you trapped in a ‘means to an end’ job?

An unhappy nation? Nearly a quarter of British workers are unhappy with their current job, with no confidence to change their career.

Human Resources

The 5 marginal gains that help build your dream career 

Monika Juneja explains the dos and don'ts of getting your profile out there when building your dream career.

Human Resources

Why make a midlife career change? 

How can employers deal with mid-career changes? Hudson's Tim Drake explains.

Human Resources

Ten steps to your next promotion

In today’s highly competitive job market, talented executives need to be more strategic on how they vie for the coveted top spots. Here are top tips on moving up the career ladder

Social Media

UK professionals dubious about value of social media for career progression

Strong contrast between attitude of UK and US workers towards use of social media in a work context emerges.


Tech surge fails to ignite parental aspirations for career path

Despite the rapid of growth of technology companies in the UK, British parents still favour a 'safe' professional career for their children.


Don't burn bridges you might need later in your career

A career in business will put you into contact with a wide range of people, so maintaining contact with them can prove useful, explains Academy for Chief Executives CEO Andrew Morris.