


Budget 2011: Green Investment Bank will have up to £3 billion

The government's 'green investment bank' will have access to up to £3 billion of funds to support low-carbon investment, Chancellor George Osborne has announced.


Budget 2011: Osborne favours EIS with greater tax relief

Chancellor George Osborne has strongly backed the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) in today’s Budget, making ‘sweeping changes’ to the initiative to improve business access to finance.


Some give, but mostly take

The one thing you can always guarantee with a Budget is that not everyone will get what they want.


More fudge, Darling?

Alistair Darling dodged pressing business issues in his pre-Budget report (PBR), according to entrepreneurs and economists.

Financial Management

Pre-Budget Report 2009: the key points for businesses

Alistair Darling has pledged some help for growing businesses in what might be his last pre-Budget report, but employers will be less pleased about the planned rise in national insurance.


How green was the Budget?

Riccardo Segat, CEO of cleantech-focused investor Amplio Partners, rates the Budget on its commitment to green issues.