


Entrepreneur interview: Andrew Bud, CEO and founder of iProov

We talk innovation, personal data and biometric ID in the crucial world of internet security with iProov founder and CEO Andrew Bud.


Why HSBC is banking on voice biometrics

Biometric authentication is often seen as one of the most secure ways to protect data while making it easier for users to interact with organisations. But is it foolproof? Here's why HSBC is rolling voice biometric authentication out globally.


Beyond fingerprints: why biometrics is here to stay

Over 600 million mobile devices worldwide will use biometric authentication by 2021, with the technology moving beyond just fingerprints, to include voice and facial recognition.

Venture Capital Funding

Biosite secures £4m to bring biometric tech to more construction firms

Biometric sign-in security and workforce management provider, Biosite, received £4 million in funding to grow at pace with the construction sector.


Can you trust biometrics?

A recent study revealed that two in three Brits are biometrics sceptics, favouring passwords over eye scans or voice recognition. With fraud on the rise, is relying on easy-to-crack passwords enough?


Japanese biometrics firm Secure Design heads for AIM

The ever-growing internationalisation of AIM continues at pace, with the market set to welcome its first Japanese venture this Friday. Secure Design is a biometrics company that offers a range of fingerprint authentication products and systems to companies with high security needs.


Biometrics in business

Though once the stuff of science fiction, identifying an individual through biological characteristics such as fingerprint and retinal patterns is gradually becoming a business reality.