
Asset-based lending

Archive of articles on asset-based lending (ABL) – a financing method where businesses use their assets as collateral to secure a loan. Unlike traditional loans that rely heavily on creditworthiness, ABL focuses on the value of the assets pledged as security. This type of financing is particularly beneficial for businesses with valuable assets but limited access to traditional financing options.

Alternative Finance for Business

Gearing up for asset-based lending

Asset-based lending has seen its lending commitments increase steadily since the recession. GrowthBusiness speaks to growing businesses about why they chose the route.


Shawbrook banks on Singers Asset Finance to boost lending

A new business bank chaired by former RBS boss George Mathewson has bought Singers Asset Finance.

Alternative Finance for Business

Poor relation no longer: asset-based lending

Asset-based lending has been historically viewed as the poor relation to bank overdrafts and loans. But Bobby Lane, a partner at accountancy firm Shelley Stock Hutter, writes that the tide may be changing.

Alternative Finance for Business

Cash Flow Kings – Asset-based lenders look to rebrand

Asset-based lenders are eager to win the trust of businesses by presenting themselves as champions of growth and allies of enterprise, but how much truth is there in the publicity?

Alternative Finance for Business

Weighing up asset-based lending

The severe drying up of credit has changed the market for business finance beyond recognition. GB reports on the asset-based lenders who are stepping in where banks now fear to tread.

Alternative Finance for Business

ABL steps out of the shadows

From refinancing existing debt to recovery and turnaround, asset-based lending is an option for businesses looking for safer, more certain lending in uncertain times.

Alternative Finance for Business

The changing face of ABL

“At some point, the financial house of cards had to come crashing down,” says Gary Quaife, property and asset consultant. Patrizia Rossi investigates how lenders have changed tack

Alternative Finance for Business

Asset-based lending brings flexibility to dealmakers

Chris Hawes, managing director of Venture Structured Finance, outlines how asset-based lending can complement equity using the example of the institutional buy-out (IBO) of Walkers Mcr.

Alternative Finance for Business

£1 billion ABL deal so close

The first £1 billion asset-based financed deal is just a matter of time, writes M&A's Andrew MacLeod.

Alternative Finance for Business

The facts about asset based finance

Entrepreneur Thomas O'Connell received offers of investment from two of the tycoons on the BBC's Dragons' Den and rejected them both. The CEO of import and distribution outfit Atomic Sports says: "They were looking for too much equity. I turned them down and went off and got a better deal."

Alternative Finance for Business

Financing deals with asset-based lending

Asset-based lending (ABL) is increasingly being used as part of the funding mix and now effectiveness post-deal is also attracting deal makers.

Alternative Finance for Business

Show me the money

The asset-based lending industry is now worth £173 billion as increasing numbers of companies look to ABL financiers for strategic funding.