

Articles, news and analysis on London’s Alternative Investment Market.


Chinese opportunities on AIM

Despite recent damaging shocks, investors can still find well-run, profitable ventures among the array of Chinese AIM counters.

Company Flotations

AIM still favourite for institutions

In spite of the recent testing conditions experienced in the small-cap sphere, major institutions remain committed and supportive AIM investors.

Company Flotations

New hopes for AIM

AIM is emerging from months of hibernation, with strong secondary fundraising and plenty of IPOs in the pipeline.

Growth Planning

Looking for life after delisting

With regulation and costs increasing and markets slack, many smaller companies have chosen to delist from AIM. Robert Tyerman reports.

Financial Management

Tax breaks for investors in AIM

Now business asset taper relief has been removed, what are the remaining AIM shares tax relief and tax incentives for investors in AIM?

Company Flotations

Small-cap success stories

AIM and PLUS may be flagging at the moment, but the markets are still turning out some outstanding success stories.

Company Flotations

Cash shells: AIM’s best-kept secret

Research from Business XL magazine has identified 31 such cash shells quoted on the smaller stock markets, with a combined £48 million of cash on their balance sheets.


AIM companies ‘should pay dividends’

More AIM-quoted companies ought to pay dividends in order to attract investors, according to a leading small-cap fund manager.


AIM companies in acquisitive mood

The majority of AIM-listed companies expect to complete acquisitions in the next 12 months, according to research.


AIM Review

A bevy of recent deals could prove significant with fair winds behind them, writes James Crux

Exit Strategies

Leaving the AIM market

Robert Tyerman reports on the numerous and varied reasons why an increasing number of companies are currently choosing to exit AIM.


AIM brokers in £16m merger

As foreshadowed in December, brokers WH Ireland and Blue Oar have agreed terms of a "possible" £16.2 million merger.