

News and articles on business acquisitions including guides on strategic planning, and effective integration to best realise synergies, mitigate risks, and create value for shareholders.


Daisy buys NEG MBO Two

Daisy has acquired the healthcare communications provider NEG MBO Two for £23.5 million.

Venture Capital Funding

Google attracted to potential, not past

Google's vice president of new business development, Megan Smith, reveals what companies attract the search engine giant for acquisition.


New deal for Daisy

Acquisitive telecoms company Daisy has agreed to acquire SpiriTel for £27.3 million.


Redstone sells Irish subsidiary

PFH Technology Group has agreed to acquire Redstone Technology for £2.25 million.


Innovise acquires Expolink

Innovise has agreed to acquire competitor Expolink Software for £810,000.


NCC Group acquires iSEC Partners

NCC Group has acquired the security testing company iSEC Partners for up to £14.4 million.


Lloydspharmacy buys Betterlife

Lloydspharmacy has acquired the disability living aids retailer Betterlife Healthcare.


Mears Group buys Jackson Lloyd

Mears Group has acquired the housing repairs and maintenance business Jackson Lloyd for £6.1 million.


Advanced Computer Software buys CareSys

Advanced Computer Software Group has acquired CareSys Software for £2.6 million.


NeutraHealth bought by Elder

Elder Pharmaceuticals is to acquire NeutraHealth for around £12.19 million.


Endless acquires Amdega

Amdega, a maker of timber conservatories established in 1874, has been acquired by turnaround firm Endless.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Why acquisitions fail – Advice on planning a successful takeover

When it comes to planning a successful takeover, management teams need to do more than trust to luck.