How to optimise your productivity as an entrepreneur

Procrastination is the enemy of productivity, but with so many different demands on your time, it’s not always easy to be a highly productive entrepreneur.

The problem is that we are operating in an increasingly volatile economic and political climate, so a drop off in productivity can quite easily have a drastic impact on your business.

There is a strong link between time and money. The more you waste your valuable time, the less money the business earns. Since many entrepreneurs operate alone, at least in the early stages, it is essential that you try to optimise your productivity at all times.

Use Your Time Wisely

Many entrepreneurs work ridiculously long hours, some as many as 70+ hours a week. It is only natural to want to work every waking hour to build your business into a sustainable venture, but you are unlikely to accomplish much in the additional hours you put in. Most people become less productive when they work more than ten hours a day, so instead of working longer, start working smarter.

Most people become less productive when they work more than ten hours a day, so instead of working longer, start working smarter.

Plan your day in blocks. We tend to be more productive when we have a finite amount of time to complete a task. If you are guilty of procrastination, set deadlines and stick to them. Focus on the task at hand and work on nothing else for the allotted time.

Make Lists

It is hard to be productive when you have no real plan for the day ahead. Flitting from one task to another is not a good use of your time. Try and begin each day with a list of tasks, itemised in order of importance. Start with the essential tasks, and then once you complete them, work your way down the list. It is surprisingly satisfying ticking off tasks on a list.

Try and begin each day with a list of tasks, itemised in order of importance. Start with the essential tasks, and then once you complete them, work your way down the list. It is surprisingly satisfying ticking off tasks on a list.

Delegate Tasks

Nobody is good at everything. We are not made that way. As an entrepreneur, you are probably skilled at a number of things, but it’s important, to be honest about where you have a skills gap. Toiling away at something that does not come naturally to you is a waste of time. For example, if you don’t have a head for figures, it is pointless trying to do your own accounts.

It will take a professional bookkeeper a fraction of the time to keep the books, therefore your time would be much better spent on sales calls to new clients or developing a business strategy.

Instead of wasting time on jobs you hate, delegate the task to someone else who has the skill, time and inclination to do a better job than you. You will be more productive and have some free time to pursue a life outside of work and organise personal things such as DIY projects or financial investments.

Take Time Out

It’s impossible to be productive when you work seven days a week. You might get away with it for a few months, but sooner or later you will burn out. Taking time out from work is important for your health and wellbeing. When you return to work, rested and refreshed, you will find your productivity levels much improved.

Take control of your working day and your productivity will soar, but if all else fails, pour a cup of strong coffee and harness the buzz of caffeine.

See also: The six ways of a productivity ninja – Take on your to-do list with these proven mental focus hacks that are designed to increase personal productivity.

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda Nair

Praseeda was Editor for from 2016 to 2018.

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