

Reward the real risk-takers

Something is rotten in the UK's risk and reward culture.



The 100 club and other incentives

Whether you’re an early-stage play or a large corporate, incentivising your staff will be vital for the success of your business.


Goodbye to Woolies

Woolworths survived two world wars, the great storm of 1987 and an onslaught of Eurovision song entries. Now saddled with debt of £385 million, this Christmas could be the last for the high street stalwart for stationery, sweets and tat.


Cash on the table

You can tell times are hard when City financiers are going to pawnbrokers to put their Ferraris and Picasso sketches in hock


Be a wise control freak

A lot of people building businesses struggle with the concepts of micromanagement and empowerment.


Fat cats and failures

Say what you will about a global economic meltdown, at least losing money and the fear of failure make people more likely to face up to the facts


A year of missed opportunities

Despite the government’s anxiety to be seen as green, 2008 is most likely to be remembered for its missed opportunities.


Democracy and business don’t mix

Big companies usually have a hierarchy with layers of execs between the boardroom and the customer.


A year of missed opportunities

Despite the government’s anxiety to be seen as green, 2008 is most likely to be remembered for its missed opportunities.


Democracy and business don’t mix

Big companies usually have a hierarchy with layers of execs between the boardroom and the customer.


The AIM dream lives on

Even in rosier economic times, who in their right mind would ever float their company on the stock market?


The horrors of hubris

Hubris in business takes many forms. There’s the small stuff we can all have a chuckle about.


Burn off the fat

Tough times are a great excuse to cut costs and take out under-performers.


A Fuller fortnight

A week can be a long time in finance, but for the entrepreneur, each week is always long, diverse and challenging.