Why you need to improve your business writing skills

Excellent communication skills can help you progress further than you’d expect in business, the workplace, and your personal life.

Writing is a tool for getting your message across the others and motivating action in people who you supervise, work with and wait for taking initiative.  

The common documents used in business are emails, reports, memos, letters, and business cases/ proposals. With such an amount of written work, it’s not surprising that such a great emphasis is placed on having good communication skills. So, what are the characteristics of effective business writing?

  • Business documents follow a professional standard and acceptable format.
  • Information is presented in organised and structured way in order to achieve a specific objective.
  • Ideas are expressed clearly and confidently and are supported by logical and persuasive arguments.
  • Documents are written in a business-like style and vocabulary while showing sensitivity to the particular reader’s expertise.

Excellent writers can benefit from their skills. Here’re seven reasons from essay writing service uk EssayPro for you to consider upgrading your proficiency in written communication.  

1. You will be able to craft a winning resume

A few grammatical mistakes or typos immediately reduce the prospect of getting a job. In 2009, The Washington Post placed an article where one interesting poll was revealed. 30% of 150 senior executives said they’d throw a resume in the trash after spotting two mistakes. 40% of them are even more rigorous about accuracy disqualifying resumes with just a single typo.  

A recent survey of recruiters from companies with more than 50,000 employees discovered the decisive factor for hiring managers. As you might have already guessed, it is communication skills.

Correct written English is crucial for a job search. It shows your intelligence. Inaccuracy can decrease your employment chances the same way it lowered your grades for college writing assignments.

2. You will make life easier for your readers

There’re many blog posts and comments on the Internet that are written messy and filled with errors. When a reader is trying too hard to figure out what the author is saying, they quickly give up and move on to another post or comment. Your business documents may not be as rambling as some web content. But every error makes it harder for the reader to get your message.

Your writing must be understood at the first reading. It’s a key to effective communication. You’ll succeed if the receiver doesn’t misinterpret the information. Clear writing helps to avoid communication barriers and breakdowns.

3. You will be able to handle business correspondence in a professional manner

You don’t wear shabby clothes at a party, do you? If you’re waiting for the guests to come, won’t you first clean up?  When you’re going to give someone a birthday present, won’t you wrap it nicely? People find it polite to make oneself, one’s home and gift look presentable.

When it comes to working environment, clear and careful writing is a rule of business etiquette. Politeness is important to business correspondence. It allows showing respect to others and making your letters and proposals look presentable.

4. Your productivity will be boosted

If your written communication skills leave much to be desired, you’ll spend a lot of time trying to develop a decent business document. Let’s say you’re a manager. To write a letter, you’ll spend a lot of time to choose the right words and edit the content.

It would be unproductive for you to develop a single document during a one-third of your working day. This time affects costs. Thus, poor writing skills mean the higher expenditure for a company.

Good communicators go up the career ladder faster than their not so skilled colleagues. The University of Pittsburgh’s Katz Business carried out a survey that proves this. It has shown that both oral and written communication skills, along with an ability to cooperate with others, are the major success factors at work.

5. You can add value to your work by showing initiative

Do you have a brilliant idea that may benefit your team, department, and the company as a whole? What boss would say no? The one who failed to understand what you meant.

Your idea of improving production or saving costs may be brilliant. But if you cannot provide a concise and clear explanation of it to senior management, it will be rejected. You should sound convincing and credible. Write in a tone similar to those used in persuasive essays.

Taking a valuable initiative is the best way to prove that you’re a team player who is interested in the company’s success. If your suggestions turn out to be effective, you’ll become a valuable asset in the workplace.

6. You will increase chances to promotion

Many in the workforce today lack the basic knowledge of syntax, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It reduces their confidence when it comes to writing business documents. As a result, they’re weaker competitors in the struggle for rising through the ranks.  

Senior management is generally more favorably disposed towards a person who has better business writing skills between two equally qualified candidates. It will be unwise not to enhance written communication skills at the earliest stage and be left out when an opportunity arises.

7. You will present your company in a favorable light

The basic purpose of business writing is to convey a message to the receiver. When a person is reading your business letter, they get an impression not only of you but the company you work for. It may sound unfair, but readers will associate shortcomings of your letters with flaws in you and your company. Nobody wants to work with organisations whose employees demonstrate unintelligence.

To increase your career opportunities, learn to craft flawless business documentation. If you’re still in college, use your time to the fullest. Write your academic papers. If you’re a graduate looking for a job or an employee dreaming of promotion, take business writing courses. Your time, effort and money won’t be wasted in vain.

About the Author: Michelle Brooks is the independent writer and editor at the educational resource. Her professional and personal interests include career, self-development, freelance writing and e-learning.

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