Matrix enters Blaze

Matrix Private Equity has completed its fourth investment of the year, financing the £5 million secondary management buyout of retail signage specialist Blaze Neon. Producing external and internal signs for a plethora of leading high-street names – including Argos, Tesco and Royal Bank of Scotland.

Matrix Private Equity has completed its fourth investment of the year, financing the £5 million secondary management buyout of retail signage specialist Blaze Neon. Producing external and internal signs for a plethora of leading high-street names – including Argos, Tesco and Royal Bank of Scotland.

Matrix Private Equity has completed its fourth investment of the year, financing the £5 million secondary management buyout of retail signage specialist Blaze Neon. Producing external and internal signs for a plethora of leading high-street names – including Argos, Tesco and Royal Bank of Scotland – Blaze generated revenues in excess of £12 million last year and now employs around 200 people.

Investing alongside Matrix, the operator of five VCT funds, were members of Blaze’s incumbent management. Managing director Clive Knight led the buyout team with sales director Chris Abbott and finance director Joanna Boraston also playing key roles.

‘We were attracted to Blaze because of its leading position in a market that has real barriers to entry,’ states Matrix director Jonathan Gregory. ‘The existing team has considerable experience and is driven to build on the company’s strong position.’

Leslie Copeland

Leslie Copeland

Leslie was made Editor for Growth Company Investor magazine in 2000, then headed up the launch of Business XL magazine, and then became Editorial Director in 2007 for the online and print publication portfolio...

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