

Songkick’s Pete Smith: The tech cycle fuels itself in Silicon Valley

Pete Smith, co-founder of digital music offering Songkick, is passionate about building up the kind of technology ecosystem that will be self-sufficient in the long run.



From innovation to corporate success: The UK's battle to turn ideas into big business

Ian McAnearney, head of early-stage companies and renewables at Tyzack Partners, asks why, as one of the world's most innovative nations, the UK isn't better at marketing and selling those ideas.


Providing IT information to businesses is a resource that quickly provides IT information to businesses. speaks to business manager Mike Worby about the service.


Identifying and rectifying bad processes can be a key business driver

LDC investment director Andrew Hampshire applies his industry knowledge to the debate on what kind of IT system is the right fit.


Using IPVPN to build a more reliable business network

For businesses to develop at a desired rate, technology must track at the same speed.


Tech Innovators: Bounty Network

Ever wanted to make a quick quid from recommending a friend for a job? New start-up Bounty Network is offering just that and taking the recruitment industry head on.


Tech Innovators 2013: Footfall123

Footfall123 was initially set up in Barcelona but has moved operations to London as it looks to revolutionise the way in which businesses run marketing campaigns.


The changing face of the legal services market in the UK

Donna Sewell and Helen Goldberg, founders of legal provider Legal Edge, look at the questions entrepreneurs and management teams should ask about buying legal services.


Tech Innovators 2013: Footfall123

Footfall123 was initially set up in Barcelona but has moved operations to London as it looks to revolutionise the way in which businesses run marketing campaigns.


The changing face of the legal services market in the UK

Donna Sewell and Helen Goldberg, founders of legal provider Legal Edge, look at the questions entrepreneurs and management teams should ask about buying legal services.


Five top tips to protect customer data

Businesses in a wide variety of sectors are dependent upon collecting large volumes of customer data – but what can be done to make sure this is protected?


Avoiding the pitfalls of Pan Am, Jarvis and the News of the World

The reputation of a business has a strong bearing on how successful it can be and, as BDO partner Nigel Burbidge explains, can be something lost overnight.


It’s easy being green: Tips for an eco-friendly office

Following the culmination of Green Office Week, Doug Stewart, CEO of Green Energy UK, suggests ways in which workers can green up their workplace with some simple tips that won't cost a fortune.


Corporate leaks: How to prevent and investigate if they occur

Bob Mecrate-Butcher, partner at Charles Russell, looks at how corporate leaks can first be prevented and then plugged when they do occur.