

Why fintech is the way to go if you’re considering a start-up

Fintech is blowing up and London is the sector's biggest hub: so how can you get involved and make hay while the sun shines?



What are the next big trends in fintech?

Martin Campbell, MD at fintech startup Ormsby Street, fresh from FinovateFall 2015, reveals what might be coming to the UK from the US.


Video conferencing: Top 10 specific body language tips

Video conferences are bringing back a visual element to remote communication and often body language is amplified: so how can you make sure you are sending out all the right signals?


Star Wars domain dispute: The empire strikes back

After a decade of being in the hands of the rebels, Lucasfilm has finally wrestled back control of and a number of related domain names: so what are the rules in this epic cyberspace battle?


20 of the most exciting technology companies of 2015

Following on from our Tech Invest London event, here we have profiles of all of the presenting companies: between them they represent some of the most innovative young businesses around today.


Tech Innovators 2015: Coniq

Coniq is one of our top 20 tech innovators for 2015.


Is now the time for an email amnesty?

Constant email stress is becoming a fact of life for the majority of workers now: is an amnesty over selected times the way to solve it?


Software considerations: Should you use an in-house team?

Weighing up the pros and cons of bringing software teams in-house can be like wading through treacle: so here are some short-cuts to make sure you arrive at the right decision.


Is now the time for an email amnesty?

Constant email stress is becoming a fact of life for the majority of workers now: is an amnesty over selected times the way to solve it?


Software considerations: Should you use an in-house team?

Weighing up the pros and cons of bringing software teams in-house can be like wading through treacle: so here are some short-cuts to make sure you arrive at the right decision.


10 free apps every entrepreneur needs

Being an entrepreneur eats away at pretty much all your time and, initially, a large chunk of any savings: but with free and useful apps there is a way to fight back and regain some of those invaluable minutes and resources.


How the right technology can revolutionise small businesses

For a few years now, revolutionary technology has propelled businesses forward. We have seen the likes of Uber and Snapchat transform our lives with technologies we simply cannot live without. But how do they do it? And what lessons can small businesses learn from these success stories?


Why ERP solutions are essential for your growing business

Here, we look at Enterprise Resource Planning, what it is and how it can benefit your company.


How to handle WordPress security issues in a growing business

WordPress is quickly becoming the platform of choice for SMEs building websites: but are you aware of how to keep your site secure?