

How big can data get?

Data is going to become increasingly important and increasingly significant for businesses striving to better connect with customers.



The top tech trends to watch in 2017

With the end of 2016 in sight, Xero's Gary Turner shares his top three tech trend predictions for growing businesses in 2017.


A quick SEO guide for Forex companies

SEO is the best option for improving online traffic and this quick guide highlights the key areas to focus on for any Forex firm.


Can manufacturers be business consultants?

Proto Labs' Damian Hennessey explores the expected trend of consultative manufacturing in 2017 and beyond.


Your next takeaway may be delivered by a robot

After five months of rigorous testing, the Just Eat delivery droids are now live in Greenwich, marking a world first and opening up the global delivery industry for further automation.


The £12bn opportunity UK retailers are missing

UK retailers are collectively losing out on £11.75 billion a year by ignoring online consumers with disabilities, according to new research.


Beyond fingerprints: why biometrics is here to stay

Over 600 million mobile devices worldwide will use biometric authentication by 2021, with the technology moving beyond just fingerprints, to include voice and facial recognition.


Business leaders warm to the idea of a robot workforce

While three in four UK employees fear their jobs may be replaced by automation, most business leaders have other plans.


Beyond fingerprints: why biometrics is here to stay

Over 600 million mobile devices worldwide will use biometric authentication by 2021, with the technology moving beyond just fingerprints, to include voice and facial recognition.


Business leaders warm to the idea of a robot workforce

While three in four UK employees fear their jobs may be replaced by automation, most business leaders have other plans.


Can a universal employee app take on the HR function?

The HR tech industry is reinventing itself. Led by innovators and technologists rather than HR experts, the sector is starting to carve a niche for itself with mobile apps that streamlines HR functions efficiently. But is there a way for a universal employee app to do the same thing as a "one-stop shop"?


How can Human Capital Management help your company stay in control?


Getting broadband right for your business

In a globalised marketplace, good communication technology is essential. A bad connection can lead to loss of income and productivity, not to mention leaving you open to hackers. Here's how you can pick the right broadband connection for your business.


The number one business case for smart cities

Smart cities have been the solution for untameable urbanisation for the past two decades. But critics question how much of the smart city model is theoretical, and how much actually feasible.