

Will smart watches and smart speakers herald the end of the high street?

Apple Watch sales doubled last year, and smart speakers such as Amazon Echo will be a £7 billion market within five years. But are consumers and retailers ready for the revolution in shopping habits they will bring? 



Why London needs chief digital officer

With uncertainty in the air and Brexit on the horizon, will demand for chief digital officers spike this year?


Beefing up the data security and privacy for your business

It is critical that you have a security and privacy plan in place for your business, as this piece reveals.


“Data protection is here to stay, get used to it,” says Ravelin CEO on GDPR

The confusion and misinformation around GDPR stems from its ambiguity. Ravelin's Martin Sweeney explains.


Rise of the spousal hacker: is revenge hacking the next big threat?

Whether it's a scorned ex-lover or embittered ex-employee, the potential for revenge hacking is very real.


How project management tools streamline business workflows

Though project management tools are widely available, there exists a gap between the functionalities of these tools and what businesses want. Is one tool enough?


What you can learn from 2017’s biggest hacks?

2017 has already seen hacks and data breaches to some of the biggest companies in the word. What can you learn from them?


How to incorporate AI in business

As more and more industries adopt AI technology, Seal Software's Kevin Gidney explains how businesses can make the most of this trend.


What you can learn from 2017’s biggest hacks?

2017 has already seen hacks and data breaches to some of the biggest companies in the word. What can you learn from them?


How to incorporate AI in business

As more and more industries adopt AI technology, Seal Software's Kevin Gidney explains how businesses can make the most of this trend.


The devil in the smartphone: Top tips to keep hackers out of your phone

Here's how to protect your business smartphone from ransomware attackers and hackers.


Don’t fear the bot: Stigmas could hold UK businesses back, warns robotics expert

Why breaking down stigmas surrounding robotics and artificial intelligence could boost UK's competitiveness.


Are UK businesses putting a lid on social networks?

44 per cent of workers believe that social networks will help strengthen and enhance workplace relationships, yet most offices ban Facebook and Twitter. Ricoh UK's Chas Maloney outlines the opportunities that the effective use of social media presents.


1 in 3 entry level roles can be done by robots, but can automation create more jobs?

Automation and the rise of AI may be the two biggest unstoppable forces of our time. But will these developments threaten our livelihood, or are will they present opportunities just waiting to be tapped?