
Legislation and Regulation

Is wearing a hijab at work illegal now? UK lawyers explain

A European court has ruled that employers will be allowed to ban workers from wearing religious symbols, including headscarves. What does this means for UK employers and employees, and how can you avoid an Islamophobic witch hunt?

Legislation and Regulation

Legislation and Regulation

Budget 2017: boost for tech talent, support for women returning to work

Spring Budget 2017 reveals two big wins for the tech sector and entrepreneurship in general, as Chancellor Philip Hammond promises a boost for tech talent, and support for women returning to work.

Legislation and Regulation

Long term maintenance of Landlord Assets

The housing crisis has been a thorny problem that has been confronting governments for decades and as each year passes it seems to get worse.

Legislation and Regulation

REPORT: UK women in finance face the largest pay gap across sectors

Eliminating work-related gender gaps could add £150 billion to our annual GDP in 2025. That is an opportunity that neither Government nor businesses can afford to ignore. Yet women in finance are on the losing end of the wage battle. Here's why.

Legislation and Regulation

Can you achieve fairness and cut out name bias in recruiting?

Legal experts from Thomson Snell & Passmore LLP explain how to tackle name bias in recruiting, to boost diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Legislation and Regulation

Protecting your trade mark in China: 3 lessons from 2016

Haseltine Lake's Michael Conway outlines how UK brands can protect their trade mark in China, learning from 2016's biggest corporate struggles.

Legislation and Regulation

How should companies measure and report a gender pay gap?

New gender pay gap reporting legislation comes into force this April, which requires firms with 250 or more employees to publish information on how much they pay their staff to identify the salary gap between employees in the same job role. Here's what you need to know.

Legislation and Regulation

Brexit negotiations: 5 things to know

Love Energy Savings' MD, Phil Foster, advises businesses on five things they need to know about the UK’s Brexit negotiation stance.

Legislation and Regulation

How should companies measure and report a gender pay gap?

New gender pay gap reporting legislation comes into force this April, which requires firms with 250 or more employees to publish information on how much they pay their staff to identify the salary gap between employees in the same job role. Here's what you need to know.

Legislation and Regulation

Brexit negotiations: 5 things to know

Love Energy Savings' MD, Phil Foster, advises businesses on five things they need to know about the UK’s Brexit negotiation stance.

Legislation and Regulation

What does a hard Brexit mean for the UK’s talent pool?

PM May's call for a hard Brexit may mean a bitter divorce from the EU. GrowthBusiness speaks to employment experts on the potential impact this could have on the UK talent pool.

Legislation and Regulation

Is the future of legal advice digital DIY?

Recently launched digital legal service hub, elXtr, provides SMEs with legal information they need to start up, scale up, and manage and mitigate risks along the way — all for the price of the cup of coffee or two a month. We speak with LHS Solicitors' Merlie Calvert on disruption in the slow-to-change legal sector and what this means for growth businesses.

Legislation and Regulation

Who picks up the tab for the Living Wage?

Law at Work’s director of legal services, Donald Mackinnon, reflects on the increased burden on care sector employers following the recently announced increase in the living wage.

Legislation and Regulation

Those left behind “will have their revenge,” warns economist

While some European countries need structural reform, economist Philippe Aghion believes that blanket policies will only widen the chasm between those who share in wealth and those who don't.