
Legislation and Regulation

Protecting great designs

Patents and design registration are the two legal defences your product has against plagiarists. In essence, patents protect ‘new’ and ‘inventive’ ideas, while design registration protects the look of your product, provided it is ‘new’ and ‘of individual character’.

Legislation and Regulation

Legislation and Regulation

IP protection is key to success

Infringement of intellectual property rights is the top concern for owner-managers of fast-growing UK businesses, a survey has found.

Legislation and Regulation

A new home for your IP with a Special Purpose Vehicle

David Bowie's done it. Guess? has done it. Dunkin' Donuts has done it. And Yale University has done it. They have all created special purpose vehicles for their intellectual property, writes Thayne Forbes, joint MD of brand valuation consultancy Intangible Business.

Legislation and Regulation

The risks of office romance

Acrimonious break-ups between employees not only damage team morale and productivity, but can prove costly as well, according to Hannah Ford, a laywer in the employment team at Guildford-based firm Stevens & Bolton. There are increasing legal risks associated with the fall-out of office romances, Ford tells GrowthBusiness.

Legislation and Regulation

Responsibility shifts for trademark protection

If you were relying on the UK Trade Mark Registry to protect your trademarks, think again.

Legislation and Regulation

New ‘automatic’ penalties for PAYE irregularities

Penalties for underpayment of tax and national insurance contributions from employees’ salaries are set to soar with the introduction of the new Finance Act, made law this month.

Legislation and Regulation

New corporate manslaughter laws could hit hard

Changes to corporate manslaughter laws could spell trouble for employers whose staff are involved in serious road accidents.

Legislation and Regulation

Too many rules

Over-regulating the US M&A market could have a serious impact on the number of deals done, according to Nigel Stanford.

Legislation and Regulation

New corporate manslaughter laws could hit hard

Changes to corporate manslaughter laws could spell trouble for employers whose staff are involved in serious road accidents.

Legislation and Regulation

Too many rules

Over-regulating the US M&A market could have a serious impact on the number of deals done, according to Nigel Stanford.

Legislation and Regulation

Directors – trying times ahead?

The new statutory statement of directors' duties is generally considered to be one of the most controversial aspects of the long-awaited Companies Act 2006.

Legislation and Regulation

Man alive

The lure of favourable tax laws on the Isle of Man is bring increasing numbers of funds, investors and businesses to domicle in the jurisdiction. Ita McArdle, a director at law firm Simcocks Advocates, on why increasing numbers of AIM-listed companies are choosing...

Legislation and Regulation

Easing the burden

Using a Jersey-registered company can give companies easy access to the London markets without the burden of the UK tax regime. There is nothing new in a Jersey company being used as a vehicle to list shares on the London Stock Exchange...

Legislation and Regulation

Deregulation could release £50 billion

Halving existing business regulation could release a minimum of £50 billion per annum of value added into the UK economy, claims London Business School senior research fellow Tim Ambler and Francis Chittenden of Manchester Business School.