
Human Resources

Is it time to ditch performance review KPIs?

Do KPIs and annual reviews need a complete overhaul? If we want better outcomes from our people, let’s bring conversation back into performance review, argues Aurecon’s Jeanette Sanderson.

Human Resources

Human Resources

Can equal pay reporting spark legal claims?

Kirwans legal expert Lindsey Knowles warns employers to prepare to report on gender pay now or it could leave them wide open to legal claims.

Human Resources

The top 5 most ghoulish celebrity bosses – how to manage the monster

In time for Halloween, American President Donald Trump is named as the scariest celebrity boss to work for. We take a look at why.

Human Resources

2018 gender pay gap reporting countdown: are you prepared?

As of April 2018, all large employers will be required to report on their gender pay gaps. But are these 8,000 businesses ready? Instant Offices delves into what the legal implications and desired outcomes of addressing the gender pay gap are.

Human Resources

9 ways to manage teams across time zones

What do you do when it’s 5 pm here and 9 am there? Libby Penn explains how to manage teams across time zones.

Human Resources

Where are all the women in engineering? UK lags behind

Human Resources

HR: The unsung hero in the age of uncertainty

Here, Chano Fernandez, EVP global field operations of Workday, explains how HR teams can support their organisations in uncertain times.

Human Resources

Oldsters vs Millennials: Stop moaning and start talking

"Is it really the millennials who have the problem, or is it us and the weak way we manage them?" asks straight-talking career and recruitment expert, and author of Mind Flip, Zena Everett

Human Resources

HR: The unsung hero in the age of uncertainty

Here, Chano Fernandez, EVP global field operations of Workday, explains how HR teams can support their organisations in uncertain times.

Human Resources

Oldsters vs Millennials: Stop moaning and start talking

"Is it really the millennials who have the problem, or is it us and the weak way we manage them?" asks straight-talking career and recruitment expert, and author of Mind Flip, Zena Everett

Human Resources

How to work with difficult people – 9 tips to reduce office tension

Co-worker tension accounts for up to 80 per cent of all workplace difficulties, but how do you reduce tension and improve productivity?

Human Resources

Why energy supplier SSE measures ‘return on inclusion’

Is measuring 'return on inclusion' the best way to value difference and diversity? SSE reassess its approach for the next three years.

Human Resources

UK women outpace men in finding healthy work-life balance

New research into the up-take of flexible work reveals that when it comes to juggling the personal and professional, working women have the upper-hand.

Human Resources

3 tips from Simon Sinek on managing millennial employees

Managing millennials in the office can be tough for business owners. Here are three tips from Simon Sinek to help you manage.